15 Embarrassing "Oops, I Didn't Mean To Send That" Messages People's Sent Their Exes

1.This ex who pretended someone else had been using their phone:

someone sends an i miss you text and then blames it on someone else that took their phone

2.This ex who tried to find out why they were dumped:

a person pretends to be their friend to send a text asking why they were broken up with

3.This ex who got rejected and tried to play it off:

someone asks their ex if they want to come over and when they're rejected they say sorry wrong person

4.This person who showed their ex a gift they were getting for someone else "by mistake:"

someone sending a photo of a t-shirt gift and then saying whoops wrong person

5.This ex who tried to act like they didn't know who they were calling:

ex tries to say that they typed in a random number to call and it happened to be them

6.This ex who claimed to not know who they were texting:

someone sending multiple messages and then finally claiming they didn't mean to text that number because they don't know who it is

7.This person who sent their ex an invite to their hotel room:

someone inviting someone to their hotel room and then saying sorry, this was meant for someone else

8.This person who sent this extremely cringe message to their ex:

someone sending a message thinking they'll be blocked and it wont go through and when it does go through saying they regret it

9.This person who dissed their ex in a message allegedly meant for a friend:

someone saying their ex was a trash and then saying that was meant for a friend

10.This person who burned their ex's clothes and let the secret slip:

ex saying last night burning the clothes of his ex was fun and then apologizing after saying that message wasn't meant for them

11.This person who "mistakenly" sent messages trying to make their ex feel sorry for them:

ex sending mulitple messages about them being lonely and then saying they didn't mean to send it

12.This person who was trying to flaunt women in their ex's face:

ex say9ing he meant to send a message about two beautiful woman to someone else

13.This ex who tried to get out of paying money they owed:

ex sending a message about money to their ex instead of their friend

14.This person who sent their ex their MARRIAGE certificate:

photo of the marriage certificate and then a sorry message

15.And this person who went out of their way to message their ex yet still claimed it was a mix-up:

someone claiming to accidentally sending a facebook message to their ex when it was meant for someone else

H/T r/OopsIDidntMeanTo