14 Times Hollywood Made Trailers So Misleading Audiences Actually Got Pissed

I assume it's pretty difficult to market a movie. You have to create trailers that give just enough away to pique audiences' interest, but not give too much away as to spoil the movie. And, of course, you have to accurately represent the film, right?

New Line Cinema / Via giphy.com

Well sometimes in order to reach a broader audience and make the most amount of money, production companies just completely forget about that last one, and make trailers that are just...wrong.

Showtime / Via tenor.com

Sometimes, they create trailers that suggest a movie is an entirely different genre or has an entirely different tone. Or, they take out-of-context scenes or quotes and form a false narrative. Or, even worse, they shoot new scenes just for the trailer, all while having no intention of putting them in the movie.

HBO / Via tenor.com

This happens pretty often, and with some big movies too. Here are 14 examples of movies with very misleading trailers:

1.Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

tom cruise in combat gear

You can watch the original trailer below:

2.Jennifer's Body (2009)

megan fox

You can watch the original trailer below:

3.Drive (2011)

ryan gosling driving

You can watch the original trailer below:

4.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

character saying, please let me keep this memory

You can watch the original trailer below:

5.Bridge to Terabithia (2007)

a giant in the forest

You can watch the original trailer below:

6.Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)

Stacy smiling in the classroom

You can watch the original trailer below:

7.Kangaroo Jack (2003)

character groping another

You can watch the original trailer below:

8.Catfish (2010)

someone driving through the woods mentioning that it's creepy

You can watch the original trailer below:

9.Red Eye (2005)

character on a plane

You can watch the original trailer below:

10.Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2006)

close up of the characters

You can watch the original trailer below:

11.Black Christmas (2006)

four of the characters looking confused near a doorway

You can watch the original trailer below:

12.Predators (2010)

someone aiming

You can watch the original trailer below:

13.Fantastic Four (2015)

four of the heroes asking wht their name should be

You can watch the original trailer below:

14.Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

jeanie flipping off Ferris

You can watch the original trailer below:

Have you ever been misled by a movie trailer? If so, which one? Let us know in the comments!