
13 tweets about Olympic figure skating that we can all relate to

Every four years during the Summer Olympics, we all become experts in the balance beam and the butterfly stroke, and every four years during the Winter Olympics we tune into figure skating to become our own living room versions of Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski.

Half the fun of the Olympics is bonding over watching sports we totally respect but barely understand, and no sport better embodies that than figure skating. The combination of ice dancing, superhuman jumps and spins and indecipherable jargon leaves the majority of novice viewers in a state of confused awe. So to prove you’re not alone, here are 13 tweets about figure skating at the 2018 PyeongChang games that we can all relate to.

We’re all the most confused over brother-sister skating duos.

TFW the music is just too good not to watch the whole routine.
The questions that keep us up at night.
For a few weeks every four years, we all pretend to understand what a salchow is.
This year’s Team USA is definitely the most fun.
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)
We’ve all been thinking it.
Making up names for the moves is part of the fun.
Also fun: acting like an expert because who’s going to correct you?
Like peanut butter and jelly, or mac and cheese.
We’re united in our national obsession with the baby Nathan Chen videos.
Adam Rippon for king, queen and president. Put him on every single TV show please.

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