100 Most Common Passwords—See If Yours Made the List

Are your passwords as safe as you think? Here were the most common PWs in 2022.

How much thought do you put behind the passwords that you create? It might surprise you to know that many people come up with the same passwords, which means we are not all that different from each other—and we have lists of the most common passwords here.

A good password is one that would be difficult for others to figure out. However, those difficult passwords can also be hard to remember. Even with all of the hacked accounts we hear about, many of us still choose to create a password that will be easy to keep in mind. However, the problem with that is what's easy for you to remember could also be a password that is easy to crack. 

Lists of the most common passwords used throughout 2022 were recently compiled by researchers that specialize in cybersecurity events. They went through a huge database from 30 countries to come up with the overall list (as well as lists of the most popular passwords by specific country) and reported that many of these passwords could be cracked in less than a second(!). The most difficult on their entire list is "9136668099," which took four days to crack. What's interesting, though, is that 26,154 people came up with this same password!

Related: Do Frequent Password Changes Increase Security?

We're showing off two different lists below—the 100 most common passwords of 2022 consisting of combined data from 30 different countries, as well as the 100 most common passwords of 2022 specifically from the United States.

As you look at the lists, you will see that most of the common passwords use a sequence of numbers. Some are in order and others are all the same number. Other frequently used passwords are sequences of letters and numbers that follow a pattern on the keyboard—sequences like these are not unique and are very easy to figure out. Why make it easier for hackers? A good, hard-to-figure-out password is especially important for any personal financial data. And if you look at the list from the U.S., you'll see the names of loved ones, names of pets, and names of sports are incredibly popular as well.

Take a look at these lists of the most common passwords used in 2022. Do you see your password? If so, go ahead and change it—but make sure your next idea isn't on here either!

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100 Most Common Passwords of 2022

  1. password

  2. 123456

  3. 123456789

  4. guest

  5. qwerty

  6. 12345678

  7. 111111

  8. 12345

  9. col123456

  10. 123123

  11. 1234567

  12. 1234

  13. 1234567890

  14. 000000

  15. 555555

  16. 666666

  17. 123321

  18. 654321

  19. 7777777

  20. 123

  21. D1lakiss

  22. 777777

  23. 110110jp

  24. 1111

  25. 987654321

  26. 121212

  27. Gizli

  28. abc123

  29. 112233

  30. azerty

  31. 159753

  32. 1q2w3e4r

  33. 54321

  34. pass@123

  35. 222222

  36. qwertyuiop

  37. qwerty123

  38. qazwsx

  39. vip

  40. asdasd

  41. 123qwe

  42. 123654

  43. iloveyou

  44. a1b2c3

  45. 999999

  46. Groupd2013

  47. 1q2w3e

  48. usr

  49. Liman1000

  50. 1111111

  51. 333333

  52. 123123123

  53. 9136668099

  54. 11111111

  55. 1qaz2wsx

  56. password1

  57. mar20lt

  58. 987654321

  59. gfhjkm

  60. 159357

  61. abcd1234

  62. 131313

  63. 789456

  64. luzit2000

  65. aaaaaa

  66. zxcvbnm

  67. asdfghjkl

  68. 1234qwer

  69. 88888888

  70. dragon

  71. 987654

  72. 888888

  73. qwe123

  74. football

  75. 3601

  76. asdfgh

  77. master

  78. samsung

  79. 12345678910

  80. killer

  81. 1237895

  82. 1234561

  83. 12344321

  84. daniel

  85. 000000

  86. 444444

  87. 101010

  88. qazwsxedc

  89. 789456123

  90. super123

  91. qwer1234

  92. 123456789a

  93. 823477aA

  94. 147258369

  95. unknown

  96. 98765

  97. q1w2e3r4

  98. 232323

  99. 102030

  100. 12341234

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Most Common Passwords Used in the United States in 2022

  1. guest

  2. 123456

  3. password

  4. 12345

  5. a1b2c3

  6. 123456789

  7. Password1

  8. 1234

  9. abc123

  10. 12345678

  11. qwerty

  12. baseball

  13. football

  14. unknown

  15. soccer

  16. jordan23

  17. iloveyou

  18. monkey

  19. shadow

  20. g_czechout

  21. 1234567

  22. 1q2w3e4r

  23. 111111

  24. f**kyou

  25. princess

  26. basketball

  27. sunshine

  28. jordan

  29. michael

  30. 1234567890

  31. reset

  32. zinch

  33. maiden

  34. 123123

  35. 81729373759

  36. superman

  37. hunter

  38. anthony

  39. maggie

  40. super123

  41. purple

  42. love

  43. ashley

  44. andrew

  45. justin

  46. killer

  47. pepper

  48. tigger

  49. buster

  50. nicole

  51. taylor

  52. 123

  53. matthew

  54. babygirl

  55. michelle

  56. cookie

  57. jessica

  58. datpiff

  59. charlie

  60. jasmine

  61. peanut

  62. abcd1234

  63. cheese

  64. brandon

  65. hannah

  66. pokemon

  67. family

  68. ginger

  69. 1qaz2wsx

  70. hello

  71. computer

  72. joshua

  73. money

  74. letmein

  75. yankees

  76. bailey

  77. hockey

  78. batman

  79. diamond

  80. madison

  81. michael1

  82. amanda

  83. thomas

  84. passw0rd

  85. harley

  86. jennifer

  87. music

  88. daniel

  89. samantha

  90. mustang

  91. freedom

  92. robert

  93. whatever

  94. summer

  95. asdfghjkl

  96. football1

  97. brooklyn

  98. 654321

  99. william

  100. trustno1

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