These Weed Memes Prove That Marijuana and Pop Culture Are a Perfect Pair

weed memes
The Best Weed Memes Out ThereCourtesy

The origin of 4/20 as a symbol for weed is something of a meme in itself. Or, at least it is in the sense that nobody really knows where it came from but society has completely picked it up and ran with it. Some say it’s the police radio code for marijuana. Others say there was a group of California teenagers from San Rafael High School in the 1970s who would meet up at 4:20pm to smoke the devil’s lettuce. Either way, the name has stuck, and with it, the beautiful de facto holiday that is April 20.

Marijuana has always lent itself well to popular culture, whether you're referencing the beautiful film known as Friday or going for a deep cut and tipping a hat to the hilarious propaganda film called Reefer Madness. And with legalization catching fire across the country, you can now toke up in 21 states (and D.C!) recreationally.

Whether you’re partaking in a joint, or just looking to acknowledge the day’s customs, there are plenty of weed memes to keep your giggles rolling. Blaze it. Legalize it. Meme it. Celebrate as you wish. Just do so responsibly from the depths of your couch.

"Dream blunt rotation"

I'm adding this to my 4/20 bucket list.

"I am weed"

Truer words have never been spoken.

"My brain after smoking weed "

This is what true peace looks like.

“We get it, you smoke weed.”

You don’t have to be so loud about it, Elizabeth.

“High af trying to act normal in public”

Nothing to see here.

*hits blunt*

The perfect format for those philosophical breakthroughs.

This Edible Ain’t—

Give it time.

Dream Blunt Rotation

Vibe curation. Choose wisely.

Which implies the existence of … Nightmare Blunt Rotation

I Think You Should Leave if you end up smoking with this rotation.

Not a meme but an important moment

The entire movie Friday

As well as every lesson you learn from Reefer Madness

Wyd after smoking this?

Folding the dishes, watching your screensaver for hours, using every ingredient in your kitchen to create a gourmet munchie concoction … the possibilities are endless.

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