Star's Viral Condolence To Grieving Husband

Star's Viral Condolence To Grieving Husband

Nick Marlowe, a grieving husband from Lead Hill, Ark., got an unexpected boost from country star Jake Owen this month. Now Marlowe's tragic story is being heard around the world, reports KY3.

Marlowe recently lost his 20-year-old wife, Kristin, when she had a stroke during childbirth. Kristin Marlowe worked at State Farm Insurance and enjoyed horses, swimming, basketball and cave-exploring, according to a KHOZ Radio obituary. "She always loved helping people and chose to be an organ donor upon her death," the obit read.

Both Nick and Kristin were big Jake Owen fans. But Nick heard Owen's song "Anything For You" for the first time shortly after her death. The lyrics include: "Tell me you want it, baby, that's all you've gotta do, I'll do anything for you."

Marlowe was so moved that he wrote to Owen on Facebook. "Thank you for your music that kept my chin up and for the laughs and smiles your music gave my beautiful wife," Marlowe posted. [See the full text of the message below.]

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Marlowe picked the right guy to whom he could express his sorrow. Owen, married in May with a baby on the way, had recently voiced his strong thoughts on finding a soul mate. "When you get married to someone, you marry them because they're your best friend and you share your life with them," he told "What's better than having your best friend go everywhere with you?"

The singer was so crestfallen by Marlowe's message that he shared Marlowe's letter on Twitter and told fans to say a prayer for Marlowe in a video chat.

"It absolutely ripped me up when I saw [the message], knowing what I'm going through right now with my wife," Owen said in KY3's report.

People from around the world have showered him with gifts and condolences, Marlowe told the station. "I just want everybody to know that you've got to be grateful for the things that God gives you. .. You never know when something like this can happen."

Thankfully, uplifting news has emerged in Marlowe's heartbreaking saga. A posting on Prayers For The Marlowe Family's Facebook page reported recently that Marlowe's son Trennon, who was born seven weeks premature when Kristin had an emergency Caesarian section Aug. 8, "is almost up to five pounds and will be coming home sometime next week!"

LOOK: Nick Marlowe's Letter To Jake Owen

Jake, posting on Facebook seems silly to me right now, knowing your probably never going to see this. I recently lost my young beautiful wife to a stroke while she was giving birth to our beautiful baby boy. We use to ride around in my Jeep and I'd sing 8 second ride to her and replace truck with Jeep and she'd laugh so hard. The doctors said it was the medicine that was making her feel funny. I was rubbing her neck when her vitals dropped. They rushed her out of the room and I dropped to my knees and started screaming to God to take me instead. Unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to give my life for hers. I turned on Pandora just now and of course it was set to Jake Owen radio. Your song "Anything for you" played as the first song. I was walking out of the hospitals front doors listening to that song. I can't thank God enough for that song. I'm not asking for a returned message. All I ask is you share my story and share her beautiful life. I pray you look at your significant other and let them know you love them and you would give your life for them. Thank you for your music that kept my chin up and for the laughs and smiles your music gave my beautiful wife. Thanks Jake.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.