Watch A Time-Traveling Dietitian Ruin A Perfectly Good Meal

This Is Why Eating Healthy Is Hard (Time Travel Dietician) from Funny Or Die

Some dude sits down to steak and eggs in 1979 ― but a visit from a time-traveling dietitian makes the meal tough to swallow in a clever video posted Wednesday by Funny or Die.

The nutritionist from the future keeps delivering ever-changing news on cholesterol and red meat, leaving the poor guy with a bad taste in his mouth.

Now if only he could take a bite.

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Hamburgers -- Germany

The hamburger's&nbsp;un-Americanness is evident in its&nbsp;name. The origin of this food is mostly <a href="" target="_blank">credited to Hamburg, Germany</a> -- get it? -- but of course, it's in America where the <a href="" target="_blank">hamburger really took off</a>.

Doughnuts -- The Netherlands

<a href="">Doughnuts</a> and coffee are a beloved American breakfast treat, but the doughnut got its start across the ocean in the Netherlands. The <a href="" target="_blank">Dutch introduced their&nbsp;</a><i><a href="" target="_blank">olykoeks</a>&nbsp;</i>-- which translates to oily cakes -- to New York City back when it was still&nbsp;called New Amsterdam. And the rest is glazed history.

Hot Dogs -- Germany and Austria

If you look closely at the names of hot dogs -- <a href="" target="_blank">frankfurters</a> and Vienna sausage -- you'll see where these sausages gained their popularity:&nbsp;Frankfurt, Germany and Vienna, Austria, of course. It is commonly believed, however, that <a href="" target="_blank">Americans added the bun</a>&nbsp;(therefore making it great).

Ketchup -- China

Yep, ketchup is Chinese in origin and it <a href="" target="_blank">actually started off as fish sauce</a>. British soldiers had a taste of it when overseas and began exporting it back home. It wasn't until the 19th century when people began adding tomatoes. Eventually the anchovies were taken out of the adopted recipe and ketchup as we know it was born.

Pickles -- Mesopotamia

<a href="">Pickles</a>&nbsp;have been around for <a href="" target="_blank">thousands of years</a>. Even <a href="" target="_blank">Cleopatra was rumored to love them</a>. They are, after all, a means to preserve food during a time of bounty for months of the year when there is less bounty. Of course, Americans have&nbsp;come to love them on burgers, served on the side of sandwiches, and cut up into relish on hot dogs, but that doesn't mean that we're the only ones who adore them.

Fried Chicken -- China, Middle East and West Africa

Fried chicken is beloved all around the world. That's evident in the number of countries it's thought to have originated from. The cooking method was first invented to <a href="" target="_blank">soften up old hens that no longer laid eggs</a>. This method involved first frying it and then braising&nbsp;it for a long period of time. But it has since evolved into one of the best meals in the world, one that is made with tender hens and <a href="">a proper crisp coating</a>.

Apple Pie -- England

England&nbsp;is credited with the origin&nbsp;of sweet pies, even apple. The first recorded recipe was <a href="" target="_blank">written there in 1381</a>. Of course, this <a href="">apple pie recipe</a> -- which also called for raisins, saffron and pear -- is very different from what we know&nbsp;and love in America today.

Mustard -- Romans

While the Egyptians revered the mustard seed, it's believed that the Romans were the first ones to <a href="" target="_blank">grind them into a paste</a>. Thank goodness for that, because hot dogs just <a href="">wouldn't be the same without it</a>.&nbsp;

Peanut Butter -- Aztecs

Of all the foods on this list, none feel quite as American as peanut butter. Most of us grew up on this stuff. But alas, peanut butter was <a href="">enjoyed by the Aztecs before us</a>. The manufacturing process and the machinery used to make it can be credited to multiple peoples -- mostly Americans, but one also&nbsp;Canadians.

Budweiser -- Germans

Budweiser -- the quintessential&nbsp;American beer -- may have been first brewed in the states, but it was done so by <a href="" target="_blank">German immigrants</a>. And those immigrants&nbsp;used a German style of brewing&nbsp;to&nbsp;produce the lager, which is so popular today.&nbsp;

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.