He Treated The Very First Ebola Cases 40 Years Ago. Then He Watched The World Forget.

A burial team wearing protective clothing remove the body of a person suspected of having died of Ebola in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on Sept. 28, 2014. (Photo: Christopher Black/WHO/Reuters)
A burial team wearing protective clothing remove the body of a person suspected of having died of Ebola in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on Sept. 28, 2014. (Photo: Christopher Black/WHO/Reuters)

This article is part of HuffPost’s Project Zero campaign, a yearlong series on neglected tropical diseases and efforts to fight them.

KINSHASA, Congo ― In early 2014, few people worried that the Ebola virus, which is up to 90 percent fatal, would pose a global threat. So the World Health Organization sent shockwaves around the world when it announced that Ebola was spreading out of control in West Africa.

Before the epidemic was over two years later, it had killed thousands of people. They died in terrifying and painful ways, often passing the disease on to family members before and even after death. Doctors and aid workers died, people who should have been able to stay safe while offering care.

But not everyone who is exposed to the Ebola virus, which spreads through contact with blood or other bodily fluids, falls ill. Such is the case of Dr. Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, who in 1976 became the first scientist to come into contact with Ebola and survive.

The Congolese virologist, now 74, placed himself square in the path of the disease as he worked in harrowing and hazardous conditions to identify what was killing some of its earliest victims.

“I am like Johnnie Walker,” he quipped, referencing the well-known Scotch whisky slogan, “Born 1820 ― Still going strong.” Muyembe giggled as he strode around his office imitating the brand’s iconic “Striding Man.”

It’s a joke in service of a very serious message from a doctor who has spent years battling the worst viruses. Don’t make the same mistake, he warns, that the world made with Ebola when it first arose. Don’t ignore the threat because it seems far away.

Dr. Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum treated the first cases of Ebola before the disease even had a name. (Photo: Neil Brandvold/DNDi)
Dr. Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum treated the first cases of Ebola before the disease even had a name. (Photo: Neil Brandvold/DNDi)

Muyembe, who now leads the Democratic Republic of Congo’s National Institute for Biomedical Research, had been home from studying in Europe just a few years when he received a phone call in 1976 that would change his life forever.

“The minister of health rang and said, ‘There’s a mysterious disease that’s killing people at the Catholic mission in Yambuku in Equateur province. I’m going to send you there to find out the cause.’ I was the country’s only virologist,” Muyembe recalled.

The mission hospital was more than 600 miles northeast of the capital city of Kinshasa, deep in thick forest. Muyembe set off overland in a jeep with a military colonel who was also an epidemiologist. It was “a real adventure,” he said. All they were told was that there was a suspected outbreak of yellow or typhoid fever.

But when they arrived in Yambuku, the hospital was deserted. They went to sleep at the mission and woke to a very different scene.

Three nurses and one woman had died at home overnight, and the hospital was now full of patients ― some pushed there on bicycles, many feverish ― after word had gone round that doctors had arrived from Kinshasa.

Muyembe examined and drew blood from the sick and dissected the dead to take tissue samples ― all with bare hands. Later, he would shudder at the thought of how much contact he’d had with feverish patients, many of whom didn’t stop bleeding after he withdrew the needle or scalpel.

“The blood would pour out all day. My hands were covered in blood. I didn’t have gloves,” he said.

Muyembe thinks that what saved him from death that day, and the many others when he handled infected samples with no protection, was his speedy request for soap and water. But luck must have played a role too.

When a nun fell ill ― with fever and red marks on her body ― Muyembe and his colleague told the mother superior that they wanted to take the samples they’d collected and the sick nun back to Kinshasa. The nun initially refused to go ― she didn’t want the community to think she was running away ― but she relented after Muyembe insisted. Another sister accompanied her on the journey to Kinshasa, so they were a group of four squeezing together in various planes and cars.

“I was always next to her,” Muyembe remembered, still looking relieved decades later at the thought of his close brush with death.

The samples from Yambuku, including the nun’s, were sent from Kinshasa to a lab in Belgium, where scientists initially thought they showed the Marburg virus, which causes another hemorrhagic fever found in Congo and neighboring Uganda.

Meanwhile, when the nun, her traveling companion and a nurse who had treated her in Kinshasa all died from the same sickness, and the epidemiologist who had gone with him to Yambuku developed a fever, Muyembe panicked. He quarantined himself in the garage at his home so as not to infect his wife and children. He couldn’t stop thinking about the test tubes full of blood samples that he had brought home briefly after returning from Yambuku.

“It was terrible because the assistant medic who had come with me sent me a message saying, ‘Ah, I am sick,’ and then poof! He was dead. The nun we brought with us had died and had contaminated another nun and a nurse. I was very afraid,” Muyembe said.

He finally got a call from Belgium that the virus wasn’t Marburg but a previously unknown hemorrhagic fever. Researchers later named it Ebola, for the river that runs through Yambuku. It was after this call ― and the death of his fellow scientist ― that Muyembe destroyed the lab samples, terrified of further contamination.

Nearly 40 years later, when Ebola hit West Africa, Muyembe was surprised by the lack of research into the virus and the poorly coordinated global and local response.

“It really was chaos,” he said. “People thought it was just something that affected East and Central Africa, so they hadn’t even studied it and weren’t prepared.”

Researchers study other neglected diseases at Congo's National Institute for Biomedical Research, which Dr. Muyembe directs. (Photo: Neil Brandvold/DNDi)
Researchers study other neglected diseases at Congo's National Institute for Biomedical Research, which Dr. Muyembe directs . (Photo: Neil Brandvold/DNDi)

Muyembe had worked on research into a possible vaccine nearly two decades earlier, but it was only when Ebola briefly touched Europe and the United States in 2014 that he finally saw scientists start to take this killer seriously.

During Congo’s third Ebola outbreak in 1995, the experienced virologist had transfused blood from people who had recovered from Ebola to a group of patients infected with the virus. Of the eight patients who received the transfusions, seven survived ― a result that Muyembe quickly passed on to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the U.S.

“We kept saying, ‘Antibodies do protect.’ But for 20 years, this virus, and its treatment, was neglected,” he said. In late 2016, an experimental vaccine – developed principally in response to fears of Ebola being used as a bioterrorism agent – was shown to provide 100 percent protection against the virus. It arrived too late for the 11,000 people who died in the 2014 outbreak.

More recently, Muyembe has watched scientists scramble to stop the Zika virus once it began affecting wealthier countries. The virus is named for a forest in Uganda, where it was first found in 1947.

“Because it was an African disease, we neglected it. But with climate change and modern transport, the insects will travel to Brazil, to Europe,” he said.

There are other diseases that could devastate whole cities, countries or regions of the world, Muyembe warns.

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So-called neglected tropical diseases affect over 1 billion people worldwide, mainly in poor parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Some of these diseases ― echinococcosis, dengue and Chagas, for example ― have already infected people in the U.S. in small numbers. But they attract very little attention in Western media and garner limited research funding.

“I wish I could say that onchocerciasis would make everyone in the world blind, because then we’d have a vaccine,” said Muyembe of a disease otherwise known as river blindness, which threatens up to 14 million people in Congo.

“We call them neglected diseases because they come from underdeveloped countries,” he said. “But these neglected diseases can become a threat to developed countries. With travel and everything we have now, the world has become a village.”

Our world needs better research and monitoring aimed at African countries, Muyembe warned, because that’s where many diseases start. And if they’re allowed to develop, “they will be like Ebola, which came from Central Africa, went to West Africa and then suddenly was threatening the U.S. and Europe.”

Muyembe is also determined to raise up the next generation of Congolese researchers to continue his legacy. “We must train the young people,” he said, slapping two young researchers on the back. Like him, they earned their Ph.D.s in Europe and then returned home to help.

Despite cheating one of the world’s most deadly diseases and plenty of other rare illnesses since, he too plans to keep fighting. “The most important thing in dealing with a lot of these diseases is washing your hands,” he said with a fatalistic shrug.

What frightens the doctor more than staring death in the face is retiring and dying of boredom.

“I must continue working,” Muyembe said, straightening his white coat and rushing off to his next appointment at the lab.

This series is supported, in part, by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All content is editorially independent, with no influence or input from the foundation.

If you’d like to contribute a post to the series, send an email to ProjectZero@huffingtonpost.com. And follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #ProjectZero.

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Lymphatic Filariasis

Lymphatic filariasis, more commonly known as elephantiasis, is a <a href="https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lymphaticfilariasis/">leading cause of disability worldwide</a>, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It affects <a href="https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/lymphaticfilariasis/gen_info/faqs.html">over 120 million people</a>&nbsp;globally and can cause severe swelling of body parts, including the legs and scrotum. While people are usually infected in childhood, the painful, disfiguring symptoms of the disease only&nbsp;<a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs102/en/" target="_blank">show up later in life</a>.


Onchocerciasis, commonly known as river blindness, is an eye and skin disease that can cause severe itching and visual impairment ― including blindness. Around <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs095/en/" target="_blank">18 million people are infected</a>. Of those, over 6.5 million suffer from severe itching, and 270,000 are blind. The disease is caused by a parasitic worm, transmitted through bites from infected blackflies. The worm can live for up to 14 years in the human body, and each adult female worm can be more than 1.5 feet long.


Chagas disease is a <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs340/en/">potentially life-threatening illness</a>. In the first months after infection, symptoms are mild, including skin lesions and fever. But in its second, chronic phase, up to 1&nbsp;in 3&nbsp;patients develop cardiac disorders, which can lead to heart failure and sudden death. The disease is transmitted to humans by &ldquo;kissing bugs,&rdquo; which live in the walls or roof cracks of poorly constructed homes in rural areas, according to the World Health Organization. Of the estimated 6 million to 7 million people affected worldwide, most live in Latin America, but the disease has also spread to the United States. Around&nbsp;300,000 people in the U.S.&nbsp;have Chagas disease, according to the <a href="http://interactives.dallasnews.com/2015/tropical-diseases/">Dallas Morning News</a>.


Dengue is a <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs117/en/" target="_blank">flu-like illness that can sometimes be lethal</a>.&nbsp;In 2015, more than 2 million cases of dengue were reported in the Americas. In some Asian and Latin American countries, &ldquo;severe&rdquo; dengue is a leading cause of serious illness and death among children.&nbsp;Dengue is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the same type of insect that transmits Zika. To reduce the risk of bites, WHO recommends&nbsp;covering water containers, using insecticide, having window screens and wearing long sleeves.

Human African Trypanosomiasis

Human African trypanosomiasis, commonly known as <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs259/en/" target="_blank">sleeping sickness</a>, is a chronic infection that affects the central nervous system.&nbsp;People can be infected for years without signs, but in the second stage, patients can suffer behavior changes,&nbsp;hallucinations and even&nbsp;<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/what-is-sleeping-sickness_us_5824c886e4b02a0512938c60">slip into a coma and die</a>. Many people affected live in <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs259/en/" target="_blank">remote, rural areas that don&rsquo;t have easy access</a> to quality health services. This makes diagnosis and treatment more difficult. WHO has identified sleeping sickness as a disease that could be <a href="https://www.crowdrise.com/ProjectZero" target="_blank" data-beacon="{&quot;p&quot;:{&quot;mnid&quot;:&quot;entry_text&quot;,&quot;lnid&quot;:&quot;citation&quot;,&quot;mpid&quot;:9,&quot;plid&quot;:&quot;http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/70809/1/WHO_HTM_NTD_2012.1_eng.pdf&quot;}}">eliminated worldwide by 2020</a>&nbsp;if the right resources are dedicated to it.


There are several forms of <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs375/en/" target="_blank">leishmaniasis</a>,&nbsp;including visceral, which can be fatal, with symptoms including fever and weight loss; and cutaneous, the most common form, which&nbsp;causes skin lesions, leaving lifelong scars and disability. The disease, spread by sandflies, affects some of the poorest people on earth, according to WHO, and is associated with malnutrition and poor housing. Around 1 million new cases occur annually, causing 20,000 to 30,000 deaths. Leishmaniasis is climate-sensitive, affected by changes in rainfall, temperature and humidity ― which means it could be exacerbated by global warming.


Trachoma is an eye disease, which if&nbsp;<a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs382/en/">untreated, can cause irreversible blindness</a>. It causes visual impairment or blindness in 1.9 million people, per WHO. The disease is present in poor, rural areas of 42 countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East ― but Africa is the most affected.


Rabies is <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs099/en/index.html">almost always fatal</a> once symptoms show up. Initial symptoms are fever and tingling around the wound. As the virus spreads, people with &ldquo;furious&rdquo; rabies become hyperactive and die by cardiac arrest; people with &ldquo;paralytic&rdquo; rabies become paralyzed, fall into a coma and die. Transmitted by pet dogs, rabies&nbsp;causes tens of thousands of deaths every year. The disease is present on all continents except Antarctica ― but more than 95 percent of human deaths due to it occur in Asia and Africa. It&nbsp;is a neglected disease primarily affecting poor populations, where vaccines are not readily available.


Leprosy is a chronic disease, which when untreated can <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs101/en/">cause permanent damage to the skin</a>, nerves, limbs and eyes.&nbsp;There were 176,176 cases at the end of 2015, according to WHO. While the stigma associated with the disease means people are less likely to seek treatment, leprosy is curable, and treatment early on can avoid disability. Leprosy was eliminated as a public health problem in 2000 ― meaning there is now less than one case for every 10,000 people worldwide.


Schistosomiasis is&nbsp;a chronic disease that&nbsp;causes gradual damage to internal organs.&nbsp;Symptoms include&nbsp;<a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs115/en/" target="_blank">blood in urine</a>, and in severe cases, kidney or liver failure, and even bladder cancer.&nbsp;Around 20,000 people die from it each year.&nbsp;Transmitted by parasites in infested water, the disease largely affects poor, rural communities in Africa that lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation. &ldquo;[People]&nbsp;get it as kids bathing in water,&rdquo; Sandrine Martin, a staff member for the nonprofit&nbsp;<a href="http://www.malariaconsortium.org/pages/who_we_are.htm" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&amp;q=http://www.malariaconsortium.org/pages/who_we_are.htm&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1480609103751000&amp;usg=AFQjCNG03VPF1XL5zli4__XAjDWpDmBOvw">Malaria Consortium</a>&nbsp;in Mozambique, told HuffPost. &ldquo;But the symptoms, like blood in the urine, only develop later ― and then people tend to hide it because it&rsquo;s in the genital area.&rdquo;


Chikungunya is a disease that <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs327/en/">causes fever and severe joint pain</a>, according to WHO. While it is rarely fatal, it can be debilitating. Since 2004, it has infected&nbsp;<a href="http://www.paho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=8303&amp;Itemid=40023&amp;lang=en">more than 2 million people</a>&nbsp;in Asia and Africa.&nbsp;There is no cure for the disease, which is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.&nbsp;The name comes from a word in the <a href="https://www.britannica.com/science/chikungunya-fever" target="_blank">Kimakonde language</a>,&nbsp;spoken in some areas of Mozambique and Tanzania,&nbsp;that means&nbsp;&ldquo;to become contorted&rdquo; ― a nod to the hunched-over position of people who are affected with joint pain.


<a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs377/en/index.html">Echinoccosis</a> is a parasitic disease that leads to cysts in the liver and lungs. While it can be life-threatening if untreated, even people who receive treatment often have a reduced quality of life, according to WHO. Found in every continent except Antarctica, the disease is acquired by consuming food or water contaminated with tapeworm eggs, or through direct contact with animals who carry it, such as domestic dogs or sheep.

Foodborne Trematodiases

Foodborne trematodiases can cause&nbsp;<a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs368/en/">severe liver and lung disease</a>, and on rare occasions death. Most prevalent in East Asia and South America, the disease&nbsp;is caused by worms that people get by eating raw fish, shellfish or vegetables that have been infected with larvae. While early, light infections can be asymptomatic, chronic infections are severe.More than 56 million people were infected with foodborne trematodes, and over 7,000 people died in 2005, the year of WHO&rsquo;s most recent global estimate.

Buruli Ulcer

Buruli ulcer is a <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs199/en/" target="_blank">skin infection</a>&nbsp;caused by bacteria that often starts as a painless swelling, but without treatment, it can lead to permanent disfigurement and disability. In 2014, 2,200 new cases were reported, with most patients under age 15. The exact mode of transmission is still unknown. The majority of cases, if detected early enough, can be cured with antibiotics.


Yaws is a chronic,&nbsp;<a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs316/en/">disfiguring childhood infectious disease</a>.&nbsp;Affecting skin, bone and cartilage, the symptoms show up weeks to months after infection and include yellow lesions and bone swelling. More than 250,000 cases of yaws were reported from 2010 to 2013, WHO told HuffPost.&nbsp;A&nbsp;lack of clean water and soap for bathing contributes to its spread. Only 13 countries are known to still have cases of yaws, including <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26001576" target="_blank">Ghana, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands</a>.

Soil-Transmitted Helminth

Soil-transmitted helminth infections are among <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs366/en/" target="_blank">the most common infections</a> worldwide and affect the poorest communities. People are infected by worms transmitted by human feces contaminating soil in areas with poor sanitation. People with light infections usually have no symptoms. Heavier infections can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, general weakness and impaired cognitive development. Depending on the number of worms, it can lead to death. Up to 2 billion people are infected worldwide, according to WHO. But because infections can be light, not all patients suffer, WHO&rsquo;s Ashok Moo told HuffPost.


Taeniasis is an <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs376/en/index.html" target="_blank">intestinal infection caused by tapeworms</a>, which mostly causes mild symptoms, such as abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. But if larvae infect the brain, causing neurocysticercosis, the disease can cause epileptic seizures and can be fatal. People get it by eating raw or undercooked infected pork. The ingested tapeworm eggs develop into larvae and migrate through the body. Taeniasis is <a href="https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/taeniasis/gen_info/faqs.html">underreported</a> worldwide because it is hard to diagnose in areas with little access to health services, according to the CDC.

Guinea Worm

Guinea worm is a <a href="http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs359/en/index.html" target="_blank">crippling disease</a>&nbsp;that it is close to being eradicated. There were only 22 human cases reported in 2015, according to WHO ― down from around 3.5 million cases in 21 countries in the mid-1980s.&nbsp;The&nbsp;disease is usually transmitted when people with limited access to quality drinking water swallow stagnant water contaminated with parasites. About a year after infection, a painful blister forms ―&nbsp;most of the time on the lower leg ―&nbsp;and one or more worms emerge, along with a burning sensation. It is rarely fatal, but can debilitate infected people for weeks. The Carter Center, founded by former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, has been instrumental in efforts&nbsp;to eradicate the disease.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.