Peter Picks His Final Four

The hosts of “Here to Make Friends” are ready to meet your family. Emma Gray and Leigh Blickley take on the season’s last episode before hometowns, including the least likely to win a poetry award, the woman with the best read on Peter, and who’s most likely to jet off to Peru and save Peter’s love story once and for all. The forehead band-aid might be off, but we’re still feeling the sting. Peter kicks the religious can down the road at dinner with Madison. Later, Natasha gets a one-on-one (finally), but not a rose (his loss). Meanwhile, Victoria picks a spat, Hannah Ann waxes poetic — sort of — and Kelley wants relationships to be fun, earning her a last-minute villain edit and a car ride home. Find full episodes of “Here to Make Friends” on Apple, Google, Spotify and Acast. #TheBachelor