HuffPost Event: Tips For Remote Learning With Your Kids During COVID-19


Parenting During The Coronavirus Pandemic: What You Need To Know

Since the coronavirus pandemic started upending our lives earlier this year, parents around the world have faced major challenges at home. We’re no longer just parents; we’ve become teachers, camp counselors and child care providers, all while many of us have been trying to hold down other jobs.

Here at HuffPost Parenting, we’ve reported on everything from how to get your child to wear a face mask to the mental health signs your kid is struggling, from how birth has changed over the past few months to life skills you can teach your children while at home. It’s been an assault on all fronts of our lives, and our Parenting team has tried to do what we can to help caregivers through this unprecedented time.

In our next virtual event, How To Navigate Remote Learning With Your Kids, we’ll discuss how to handle your (and your child’s) expectations for the upcoming year while learning from home, as well as common traps parents fall into while helping their children in school.

Please join us on Tuesday, September 15th at 7:30 PM EST for a virtual forum featuring Kate Auletta, HuffPost’s senior culture and parenting editor, and Dr. Jenny Yip, a Los Angeles-based psychologist and author.

Dr. Yip specializes in OCD and anxiety and established the Little Thinkers Center, which helps kids with academic challenges. She’s also behind the Stress-Less Life podcast, where she doles out advice for navigating all of today’s stresses.

Together, Kate and Dr. Yip will discuss practical tips for parents for setting their kids up for a fruitful academic year, while also helping them manage their anxiety and unease about what the year might bring. We’ll leave plenty of time for Q&A, so come prepared!

Go here to sign up for the event. After registration, you will get a confirmation email with a link to register on Zoom.

We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

(Photo: HuffPost)
(Photo: HuffPost)

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.