London's New See-Through Skyscraper Pool Has Twitter Users Saying 'Hell No!'

A see-through pool set 115 feet in the air between two London skyscrapers is definitely making a big splash online, but Twitter users found a way to throw cold water on it.

The Sky Pool at the Embassy Gardens apartments is the world’s largest floating acrylic pool ― 82 feet long, 46 of which are suspended in midair, according to the Robb Report.

Residents can swim from one side to the other and see the street 10 stories below.

The Sky Pool was officially opened to residents earlier this month, but it really made waves on Twitter Tuesday morning after the BBC posted video of it.

While many people thought the Sky Pool was awesome, a lot of responses suggested a fear of heights combined with a fear of drowning, to the tune of “Hell, no!”

Some people had questions.

Others saw endless possibilities.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.