Kayleigh McEnany Falsely Claims All The 'Main Founding Fathers' Opposed Slavery

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany apparently decided the best way to defend America’s Founding Fathers was to lie about them.

McEnany was part of an all-white panel on Fox News Tuesday morning discussing Rep. Cori Bush’s (D-Mo.) July Fourth tweet, where she said that Black people are still not free in America.

All members of the panel were miffed by Bush’s tweet, but none more than McEnany.

“The haters never take a day off from hating, that is clear,” McEnany said. “And they never take a day off from getting the facts wrong. We know most of our forefathers, all of our main Founding Fathers, were against slavery, recognized the evils of it.”

To be clear: McEnany is wrong. Though there isn’t a consensus on the exact number of Founding Fathers who owned enslaved people, historians have said the majority of men at the signing of the Declaration of Independence were slaveowners.

In response to McEnany’s claim, misinformation nonprofit Media Matters For America pointed out that George Washington enslaved hundreds of people, Thomas Jefferson enslaved more than 600 people, and James Madison enslaved over 100 people.

You can see McEnany’s “big lie” below.

Twitter users weren’t impressed with McEnany’s fake history lesson.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.