Huffington Post Readers' Picks: 10 Books That Predicted The Financial Crisis

Huffington Post Readers' Picks: 10 Books That Predicted The Financial Crisis

We posted a list of eight books that predicted the economic crisis and as usual, our readers had their own ideas about what we should have recommended. So, in the name of nearly instant gratification, we're bringing some of that list to you now. There were a few we couldn't verify, and others that we might have missed, so bear with us if you don't see yours here. The range was "interesting": "Reflections on the Revolution in France", Edmund Burke; "The Long Emergency", James Howard Kunstler; "The Powers That Be", G. William Domhoff; "The New Golden Age", Ravi Batra; "The Penniless Billionaires", Max Shapiro; "The Coming Crash in the Housing Market", John R. Talbott; and "The Coming Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It", James Turk and John Rubino. We couldn't feature them all, but let us know what you think of these and if you have more recommendations, we want to hear them.

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.