Election Days, Victory And Defeat: Views From HuffPost Readers

In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of reader comments. (Photo: HuffPost Illustration)
In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a roundup of reader comments. (Photo: HuffPost Illustration)

Every week, HuffPost editors read your comments on our top stories and highlight those that cut through the noise and make us think, help us see things from a different perspective, start conversations or even change our minds.

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Comments have been edited for clarity, spelling, punctuation and length.

Joe Biden Wins Historic 2020 Presidential Election, Vanquishing Donald Trump

“This is how a president speaks! No attacks. Call to unity. Call to healing. Kindness. Empathy. Hope. Experience.”

—Science First

“Biden may not be terribly inspirational, but his words are a balm, and a welcome one, at that.”

—Paul Lebow

President Trump Releases Statement From The Golf Course On Projected Biden Win

“If he’d have won, he would be praising the system. He is a sore loser.”

—Sandra Tamborello

“Unlike what the media and so many liberals dream to happen to Trump being some broken man over an election loss he just goes on about his life living and enjoying each day.”

—Milton Avret II

Trump’s Closing Message: I Will Cheat

“No! It’s NOT a terrible thing! Counting votes cast takes as long as it takes! IT IS WHAT IT IS!”

—James Szafarek

“The Election winner should still be called when enough of the mail-in votes have been counted so that the outstanding mail-in ballots would have no effect on the final vote tallies. It’s just like in the past elections, when a winner was declared before all the in-person votes were reported.”

—Guy Justa

Joe Biden Promises ‘Time To Heal’ In Victory Speech

“The bigger question is will the left and right give each other a chance. By all accounts of reading comments on various sites, that is a resounding no, unfortunately.”

—Chad Anderson

“Biden’s inspirational words still take two sides to agree. Obama had the same spirit in the beginning and it fell flat on McConnell in the Senate and later Ryan’s ears in the House. I hope they at least try in the beginning to get the country moving, but the stall tactic got us Trump, successful in their eyes.”

—Michael Iger

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.