Dwyane Wade Slams Critics Saying Gabrielle Union Was Acting Like She Gave Birth

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey set to air Dec. 8, actress Gabrielle Union and her husband, NBA star Dwyane Wade, shared how hurt they were when, after the birth of their daughter in November, commenters online ridiculed Union for posting photos of herself practicing what’s known as skin-to-skin contact, or kangaroo care.

The set of two photos, which she shared on Instagram on Nov. 8, show Union and Wade holding their baby, Kaavia James, who was carried by a surrogate.

“I think for me the most hurtful thing was once we had our baby and everybody started talking about ‘Why is she in the bed holding the baby? Why she got a gown on? Why she acting like she just had a baby?’” said Wade. “And once again, people are uneducated on the process and why we decided to go skin to skin as soon as our baby came out.”

In skin-to-skin contact, parents hold their naked baby to their chest against their bare skin. Research shows that this kind of embrace soon after birth helps calm and soothe the baby; regulate the infant’s temperature, heart rate and breathing; improve the blood glucose levels in newborns; and lower pain levels in babies. It can also help babies sleep better and give parents and child a chance to bond emotionally. And those benefits are especially crucial for babies born prematurely.

For parents like Wade and Union, who needed the help of a surrogate, the skin-to-skin contact takes on additional importance, said Dr. Shannon M. Clark, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist and an associate professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston who was not involved in the pregnancy.

“The importance of skin to skin for intended parents is that the immediate benefits that can happen with the mom who just gave birth to her baby would be the same for an intended parent who didn’t give birth to a baby,” said Clark. “Being able to do that as an intended parent ― it’s ideal.”

She bristled at the accusation that Union was acting as though she just gave birth, noting that wearing a hospital gown with an open front is the easiest way to accomplish skin-to-skin contact.

“I don’t think that anyone who does that is trying to pretend that they gave birth,” Clark said. “It’s just for ease of use and ease of access in order to facilitate adequate skin to skin.”

Union, who was diagnosed with adenomyosis, suffered eight or nine pregnancy losses (she lost count) before deciding to use a surrogate.

It isn’t clear whether the couple entered into a traditional surrogacy, in which the woman who carries the pregnancy uses her egg to conceive the child, or a gestational surrogacy, in which the gestational carrier is pregnant with the intended parents’ embryo.

“Sometimes people use donor sperm. Sometimes people use donor eggs. Sometimes it is the couple’s own embryo,” Union explained in another part of the interview. “There’s all different kinds of routes to that. Whether the couple opts to share that with you should be on them.”

Kaavia James was born Nov. 7.

Dr. Lisa Erickson, a retired reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist in Minnesota who has experience helping people build their family through surrogacy, said skin-to-skin contact is one of several ways that intended parents can bond with their baby.

“Some [intended parents] can be present at delivery, [and] some cannot,” she said. “Kangaroo care is just one method to feel the experience of closeness.”

Erickson said the bonding between intended parents and child can start even before birth, with the intended parents and the surrogate bonding with each other. For instance, she said, it isn’t uncommon for the surrogate to keep a journal throughout the pregnancy and give that diary to the intended parents.

Clark mentioned that additional kinds of bonding can help intended parents bond with their baby during pregnancy, for example, by attending prenatal checkups to keep updated on milestones and letting the surrogate know what music and children’s books the family plans to share with the baby so that the surrogate can begin listening and reading out loud to the fetus.

“It’s going to be a little bit different for every couple and for every matched intended parent and a [surrogate], but there are ways to facilitate the bonding,” Clark said. “At the end of the day, the hope is that once the baby is here, skin to skin, being involved with the labor and delivery process and being there for the surrogate or gestational carrier is the most important.”

“There are so many ways to build a family, and this is just one of them,” Erickson said. “It’s a gift of unmeasurable love.”

CORRECTION: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Dr. Lisa Erickson was an OB/GYN. She’s a retired reproductive endocrinologist.

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<strong>Johan (right):</strong> We talked loosely about becoming parents for years, but we really started getting serious about our options about five years ago. A couple we are friends with had two babies with a surrogate in the United States, which inspired us.&nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>Jakob (left):</strong> We contacted an agency that helped connect us with our wonderful surrogate. It took almost a year to get the perfect match. She is not the biological mother. We used an egg donor from Kentucky. We now know her well, and keep in touch.
<strong>Johan:</strong> Before the birth, I was super excited, almost ecstatic. And, to be honest, I was quite nervous, too.&nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>Jakob</strong>: I was surprised it was so un-dramatic. In movies, births are often panicked situations, with all of this extreme pain, and screaming and doctors and nurses running everywhere. Of course, it was far from painless for our surrogate, but she was so calm.
<strong>Alexandra:&nbsp;</strong>Johan and Jakob were wonderful. They were trying to make sure I was comfortable, but I told them that <i>of course</i> they should be in the room and close to me. There was no way I was not going to have them in there while I had their baby.<br /><br />I had hoped to give birth without pain medication, but it was just too much for me. Before I got the epidural, there was a moment where I was freaking out, and I did have them leave for a little bit. I was overwhelmed. But as soon as it was time to push, I wanted them there.
<strong>Johan:</strong> She was amazing. She actually calmed <i>us</i> both down. At one point, she jokingly said to the doctor: "This one knows what he's doing," pointing to Jakob. And then, pointing to me she said: "This one might faint." She was right!
Johan: She was amazing. She actually calmed us both down. At one point, she jokingly said to the doctor: "This one knows what he's doing," pointing to Jakob. And then, pointing to me she said: "This one might faint." She was right!
<strong>Alexandra:</strong> The pregnancy was hard. I had really bad morning sickness to the point where I couldn't even really eat for a while. But the birth was so easy -- easier than the births of my own children. Once I got the epidural, I was able to rest. I fell asleep. When the doctor came to check me and told me it was time, I was like, "Really? I'm not ready. I was taking a nap!" Johan was standing behind me, maybe a little more freaked out about the stuff that was going on. But Jakob grabbed one of my legs. He was right there.
<strong>Jakob:</strong> I can't really pinpoint any one detail from the birth, but I do remember the whole day so vividly. It's almost like I can rewind the whole thing and play it again in my head. I do clearly remember when I saw the top of our daughter's head appearing. I think that was the moment I truly understood that she was here, for real.
Jakob: I can't really pinpoint any one detail from the birth, but I do remember the whole day so vividly. It's almost like I can rewind the whole thing and play it again in my head. I do clearly remember when I saw the top of our daughter's head appearing. I think that was the moment I truly understood that she was here, for real.
<strong>Johan:</strong> I clearly remember our daughter's first cry. It came seconds after she came out -- at the same moment when I started to cry!
Johan: I clearly remember our daughter's first cry. It came seconds after she came out -- at the same moment when I started to cry!
<strong>Johan: </strong>I couldn't believe that she was finally here after all the years we'd spent longing for her.
Johan: I couldn't believe that she was finally here after all the years we'd spent longing for her.
<strong>Alexandra:&nbsp;</strong>I've wanted to be a surrogate for a while, but I'd been told I had to wait until I was done having my own kids. My daughter is 5 and my son is 2, and they understood what I was doing. My son wasn't that happy with the idea of me having another baby, but my daughter adored her before she was born.
Alexandra: I've wanted to be a surrogate for a while, but I'd been told I had to wait until I was done having my own kids. My daughter is 5 and my son is 2, and they understood what I was doing. My son wasn't that happy with the idea of me having another baby, but my daughter adored her before she was born.
<strong>Alexandra:</strong> My interest in becoming a surrogate came from my ex-stepmom. She had breast cancer and before she started treatment, she froze some of her eggs. Even after she beat it, they told her there was a chance she wouldn't be able to conceive, so I offered to be her surrogate if she wanted. She said she was really grateful, but she really wanted to carry her own child if she could, which I completely understand. But it made me think, like, if I can't do it for her, I can do it for someone else.
<strong>Johan:</strong> In Sweden, we generally like to think of ourselves as super progressive and open-minded, but when it comes to the different ways of becoming parents, the United States is in the lead in many ways. Imagine, <a href="http://www.thelocal.se/20160224/women-in-sweden-told-they-shouldnt-become-surrogate-mums" target="_blank">surrogacy is still not possible</a> where we are from!
<strong>Jakob:</strong> We have experienced such openness and kindness here. I'm already looking forward to traveling back here with our daughter when she's older to visit the woman who carried her for nine months.
Jakob: We have experienced such openness and kindness here. I'm already looking forward to traveling back here with our daughter when she's older to visit the woman who carried her for nine months.
<strong>Alexandra:</strong>&nbsp;The first transfer we tried resulted in a miscarriage at seven weeks, and it was awful. I remember telling the fertility clinic because I didn't know how to tell the guys. It was sad, and I was worried they'd blame me or something. Of course, they didn't at all. I'm so happy we tried again, and that it worked.&nbsp;
Alexandra: The first transfer we tried resulted in a miscarriage at seven weeks, and it was awful. I remember telling the fertility clinic because I didn't know how to tell the guys. It was sad, and I was worried they'd blame me or something. Of course, they didn't at all. I'm so happy we tried again, and that it worked. 
<strong>Alexandra: </strong>I loved being a surrogate. I did tell the guys that if they wanted to try for another baby, I would for sure do it.&nbsp;
Alexandra: I loved being a surrogate. I did tell the guys that if they wanted to try for another baby, I would for sure do it. 
<strong>Jakob:</strong> I don't know if I dare say it, but life with a newborn has been surprisingly easy so far. She is so calm and seems to be in a good mood all the time. We might not be getting the sleep we're used to, but getting out of bed in the middle of the night to make her happy is no problem at all. We almost compete to be the first to get to her!
<strong>Jakob:</strong> We have both totally fallen in love with this little girl.
Jakob: We have both totally fallen in love with this little girl.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.