Biden Inauguration, COVID-19 Restrictions And QAnon: Views From HuffPost Readers

In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a round-up of reader comments.  (Photo: HuffPost Illustration)
In a recent poll, one of HuffPost members’ top-requested features was a round-up of reader comments. (Photo: HuffPost Illustration)

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Comments have been edited for clarity, spelling, punctuation and length.

Unthankful Trump Refuses To Say If He Will Attend Biden Inauguration

“Personally I would enjoy seeing the drama of the interaction of the past presidents and DJT at the inauguration. It would be interesting to say the least!!”

—Jaclyn Slack

“It’s really quite astounding just how quickly most of us got over Trump. Absolutely NOBODY cares if he attends the inauguration. His supporters won’t show up, except maybe some protesters and Biden’s supporters don’t want him there. He doesn’t get to speak. The day isn’t about him. He’s not going to make any money from the event ... so why bother?”

—Patrick Ford

Supreme Court Blocks New York COVID-19 Restrictions On Religious Gatherings

Find it shocking that conservatives think people have the right to spread deadly pathogens with such reckless behavior.”

—L Vogt

The legal argument here is based on people needing large gatherings in order to practice their religion. They don’t. Especially when doing so endangers lives. No one’s religion condones putting your neighbors’ life at risk. These are temporary measures to ensure safety. Not permanent measures.”

—Stephen Michel

Judge To Trump: ‘Calling An Election Unfair Does Not Make It So’

Trump is literally the last person on the planet to accept defeat.”

—Richard Powell

“Nothing demonstrates a loser as someone who can not graciously lose.”

—Kate Tee

Online Anti-Vax Communities Have Become A Pipeline For QAnon Radicalization

These people have a poor grasp of history. Polio was wiped out because of mandatory vaccinations.”

—Kenneth Gober

“It’s their right not to accept the vaccine. It’s the right of the rest of the society to protect themselves by making them pay their medical bills, and isolating them while sick or with the virus. Nobody can have it both ways.”

—Fernando Iturburu

Trump Administration Finally Clears Way For Biden Transition To Begin

“She said she didn’t want to show disloyalty to Trump, but what about the American voters and the Constitution? No one person should be allowed to have the power to do this ever again.”

—Bryon Smith

“Another part of the system that needs fixing. Entirely too many loopholes in government, in which people can manipulate.”

—Charles Walker

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.