'Moonlight' Director Barry Jenkins Drunkenly Live-Tweets 'Notting Hill'

(Photo: Getty Images, Twitter)
(Photo: Getty Images, Twitter)

We’re just a news site, standing in front of an Oscar winner, asking him to live-tweet more rom-coms.

“Moonlight” director Barry Jenkins settled in on a Delta Air Lines flight home Wednesday when he realized his seatmate was watching the 1999 romance “Notting Hill.” So, with the help of some trusty Woodford Reserve, he decided to live-tweet the entire film from over her shoulder.

The lack of audio did present a challenge to Jenkins, who was left with only visual cues to interpret the chance encounter that brings Julia Roberts’ and Hugh Grant’s characters together.

Nevertheless, Jenkins managed to deliver quite incisive commentary, turning the improbable home size of Grant’s character into an indictment of the current economic system.

And he managed to nail one of the major “Notting Hill” plot holes.

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Jenkins’ running commentary attracted the attention of “The Mindy Project” star Mindy Kaling, who was up late feeding her newborn baby.

“This man has given us creative treasures in many forms,” Kaling wrote.

The outpouring of appreciation didn’t stop with Kaling, however. Twitter users showered Jenkins’ thread with praise.

Jenkins finished his live-tweeting triumph on a somewhat abashed note.

I hope this isn’t embarsssing [sic] tomorrow...” Jenkins wrote.

Never fear, Barry. It was perfect.

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.