Alabama Pastor Won't Believe Allegations Against Roy Moore Unless He Admits It Himself

This Alabama pastor has a lot of faith in his Senate candidate, Roy Moore.

Dr. Michael Allison, pastor of Madison Baptist Church in Madison, Alabama, said on Saturday that he refuses to believe the women who have accused the former judge of sexual assault. The only thing that could convince Allison that Moore acted inappropriately, he said, would be if Moore himself admits it, or if “he’s found guilty of it.”

“I’d like to hear it from his lips,” Allison told CNN. “Until then, all it is is an allegation.”

At least five women have said they were pursued sexually by Moore when they were in their teens and he was in his 30s. One of the women, Leigh Corfman, told The Washington Post that Moore sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.

The Post says it interviewed more than 30 people who knew Moore between 1977 and 1982, the period when the inappropriate behavior allegedly occurred. The Post also confirmed through divorce records that Corfman’s mother attended a hearing at the Etowah County Courthouse, where Moore was working in 1979. Corfman says she first met Moore outside that courtroom.

Still, Allison said he’s convinced that Moore is not guilty.

“I know the man. I know that he’s a good man, he’s a godly man,” Allison said of Moore. “He’s a man who stands for right, and he has shown himself to be a man of great character. And if he says he didn’t do it, I believe it.”

Roy Moore is the former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. (Photo: Marvin Gentry / Reuters)
Roy Moore is the former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. (Photo: Marvin Gentry / Reuters)

The allegations against Moore have elicited mixed reactions from evangelicals around the country, with some standing firm in their support of the candidate and others wavering. Moore has earned a reputation in Alabama as a staunch conservative Christian. He was removed from Alabama’s Supreme Court on two separate occasions ― once for refusing to remove a Ten Commandments monument from state grounds, and once for attempting to get the state’s probate judges to refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Allison claims to have known Moore for the past 20 years. The website of Allison’s church describes his congregation as “an independent, fundamental, old-fashioned, King James Bible-preaching, Bible-believing church.”

He’s one of more than 50 Alabama pastors who signed a letter endorsing Moore before the GOP primary in August.

Kayla Moore, the candidate’s wife, rereleased the letter on her Facebook page on Sunday ― although it appears she may not have contacted all the pastors on the list to ask whether they would still like to be included in the letter, given the sexual assault allegations. At least two pastors have asked for their names to be removed, according to

Allison told WHNT News 19 on Monday that while he finds the alleged predatory behavior abhorrent, he doesn’t believe Moore is capable of doing such things.

“He’s been a man who has been known for his character, for standing for things according to the word of God,” Allison said. “And of course, we’re a Bible-believing church and we really appreciate a politician who takes a similar stand.”

“I’m not going to believe some spurious allegation that is made right at the height of a political campaign that is very important for our country,” he added.

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<i>Bailey, a clergywoman for the African Methodist Episcopal Church, on the (s)heroes who inspired her feminism:&nbsp;</i><br /><br />"As a Christian leader, my feminism means daily affirming the full humanity and capabilities of women as part of God's beloved creation and their sacred work in the world. It also means honoring the sacrifices, courage and labor of the many female saints of God that it made it possible for me to wear my clerical robe and preach the gospel of Jesus. Historic figures like Jarena Lee, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie paved the way for me as did the unsung (s)heroes and everyday church mothers whose work has kept the church alive and flourishing since its inception. We still have a long way to go to completely shatter the stained glass ceiling but the ancestors have shown is it is possible by holding to God's unchanging hand. Blessed be her Holy Name."

Sarah Bessey

<i>Bessey, author of </i><i>Jesus Feminist</i>,&nbsp;<i>on&nbsp;how feminism could impact the church's mission:</i><br /><br />"It was following Jesus that made a feminist out of me! That discipleship lead me to caring about everything from maternal health in Haiti to sexism in the Church as issues of justice close to God's heart. Patriarchy is not God's dream for humanity: It never was and it never will be. I remain hopeful, too - more and more people are waking up to what wholeness and peace-making can look like for both men and women in the Kingdom of God which changes things on both a small personal scale but also helps to move the needle forward when it comes to systemic injustice, too."

Vicky Beeching

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Gail Song Bantum

<i><a href="" target="_blank">Bantum</a>, executive pastor of Seattle's Quest Church, on&nbsp;why feminism is about freedom:</i><br /><br />"Feminism cannot merely be an idea but a life embodied. For those of us women who have fought to live out our call in spaces of leadership within the church, we embody feminism daily whether we realize it or not. Any embrace of feminism within the church must be rooted in our deep conviction that we are all created to be free -- that it was for freedom that Christ set us free (<a href="" target="_blank">Galatians 5:1</a>). It is a desire for this freedom to emerge from the truth that both women and men are created fully and wholly as image bearers of God. In that sense, feminism is not necessarily about equality for me. It's about discipleship - about honoring the creativity of God in our midst, about enabling others to flourish, about fighting for another's freedom, and about submitting to the truth that we have all been gifted this breath each waking moment of the day."

Rev. Dr. Paula Stone Williams

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Edyka Chilomé

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Mica McGriggs

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Rev. Christine Lee

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Nicole M. Garcia

<i><a href="" target="_blank">Garcia</a>, a transgender Latina who is a candidate for ordained ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, on tracing feminism back to the creation story:&nbsp;</i><br /><br />"Genesis 1: 27 is very clear: God made humankind in God&rsquo;s image. Feminism, to me, does not mean I want more, I want what God gave to each of us -- to be a human being in God&rsquo;s image. The church has subjugated women far too long and it is time to emphasize the love and compassion Jesus taught us in the Gospel."

Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño

<i>Carca&ntilde;o, the first Hispanic female bishop in the United Methodist Church, on women's God-given gifts:</i><br /><br />"As a Christian, I view feminism as a commitment to women having the opportunity to fully be who God created us to be.<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Creation itself allows us to catch a glimpse of God&rsquo;s amazing creativity with all its beauty, potential and interrelationship.&nbsp;Individually and collectively women bring God-given gifts to life.<strong> </strong>The church has a responsibility to remind the world of the sacredness of all life including that of women. When women suffer because of discrimination due to their gender, everyone suffers through the loss of the gifts women bring to the world."

Monica A. Coleman

<i>Coleman, a scholar, activist and minister, on what a woman's perspective and questions can bring to the church:&nbsp;</i><br /><br />"For me, feminism in religion is about voice and power. It's about what I notice and what kinds of questions I ask: Where are the women in the story? Who has voice? Who doesn't? What might she have said? Who is in leadership in churches? Whose voices and perspectives have the loudest voice and influence? I try to answer these questions when I preach and teach. I want them to feel natural to my daughter's faith."

Rev. Winnie Varghese

<i>Varghese, an&nbsp;Episcopal priest at New York City's Trinity Wall Street&nbsp;Church, on feminism and equality:</i><br /><br />"As a Christian, feminism is a reality check on the gospel message of equality among all people in the eyes of God. If we believe we are equal in the eyes of God, we have to work to make that equality a reality in the world we live in. This has implications both for how girls and women understand their full humanity and dignity and how people of all genders understand the worth and dignity of women, which the church has historically profoundly influenced negatively."

Kate Kelly

<i>Kelly,&nbsp;founder of the Ordain Women movement in Mormonism, on how feminism could have an impact on women in society:</i><br /><br />"In my home state of Utah, policy is heavily influenced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is an extremely patriarchal religion. Any Church that excludes women from leadership roles is clearly missing out on 50 percent of the potential, talents and wisdom of its adherents. But, religious gender discrimination also leaks out of the bounds of the institution and negatively impacts society at large. Utah has one of the<a href=""> largest income gaps </a>between men and women, as well as <a href="">one of the lowest female college graduation rates</a>. The influence of the religious teachings that put women below men affect not only Mormon women, but all people that live in Utah&hellip; Societal parity for women will never be fully actualized until women are spiritually integrated as equals into every major faith tradition in the world."

Emilie M. Townes

<i>Townes, Dean of Vanderbilt University's Divinity School, preferred to use the word &ldquo;<a href="" target="_blank">womanist</a>,&rdquo; a phrase coined by poet and activist Alice Walker to embrace the experiences of black feminists. Townes described the term this way: &ldquo;Womanism is when historic and current insights of Black women are used to eradicate inequalities for all people with a particular focus on class, gender, race, sex and sexuality as social and theological tools to unseat evil.&rdquo;</i><br /><br />"As a Christian, womanism underscores the power of the gospel working in our lives to set us all free from stereotypes based on gender, sexuality, race, class, physical ability, and all of the ways in which we are humans in God&rsquo;s creation. Womanism is a spirituality of life that calls me to remember that my life is a gift from God and I should use this gift to work for peace and justice by sharing the good news and to work with others to craft a space and place for folks to thrive. This space and place, to my mind, is the church. It becomes the place that is genuine[ly] involved in being partners with God in bringing in the new heaven and new earth and an embodiment of love, hope, peace, and justice in a world that can use a good dose of each these days."

Gina Messina-Dysert

<i>Messina-Dysert,&nbsp;co-founder of the site "<a href="" target="_blank">Feminism and Religion</a>," on why Christian feminism isn't an oxymoron:</i><br /><br />"While many believe the idea of a Christian feminist is an oxymoron, in truth, feminism and Christianity have a long history together. Although, many argue to be feminist is not to be Christian or vice versa, in fact, Christianity has feminist value. If we examine the foundation of the tradition, the idea that every person should be liberated and treated justly, this is very much in line with feminist ideals. Nonetheless, patriarchy has resulted in the manipulation of the tradition into one that has been utilized to oppress women. But with that said, feminism has a responsibility to uproot oppression wherever it exists - and that includes religion. And so, as a feminist lens is used to critique patriarchy in all aspects of society; it is critical that feminists continue to apply the same lens to religious traditions."

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.