90-Year-Old Mom Finally Meets Daughter She Placed For Adoption 70 Years Ago

Mother’s Day came a few days early for a 90-year-old woman in Lafayette, Louisiana, who finally met the baby girl she had given up for adoption seven decades earlier.

On May 6, Elizabeth Pullen and her 70-year-old daughter, Lynne Wray, got together in a local park. Wray flew from her home in North Carolina for the big meet.

The reunion was put into motion in December when Wanda LeBlanc, Pullen’s grandchild by another daughter, took a DNA test and noticed a name she didn’t recognize in her relatives’ list, according to Lafayette station KATC. The profile posted by Wray said: “I am adopted, and I have never met my birth family.”

LeBlanc reached out immediately. “I just emailed her right away. I had to know who she was,” LeBlanc told the station.

The two exchanged contact information and started chatting on the phone.

“[Wray] told me that all she knew was her birth city and that her mom was part Indian,” LeBlanc told Inside Edition. “And I was told all my life that my grandmother was part Indian, and so I — that’s where my mind went right away.”

When LeBlanc asked her mother and grandmother about Wray, Pullen explained that she placed the baby for adoption at birth and never even saw her.

“A part of the adoption process in the ’40s is if a woman is giving birth and was giving the baby up for adoption, they were not allowed to see the baby. So my grandmother actually never saw Lynne when she delivered Lynne,” LeBlanc told Inside Edition.

LeBlanc, a professional photographer, also arranged exactly how her grandmother and her previously unknown aunt met for the first time. They stood back to back and then turned to face each other.

“I typically do first-looks for brides and grooms [in her photography business], and so I just thought this would be a really unique way for them to see each other for the first time,” LeBlanc told the Daily Mail, adding that Pullen was very nervous and had a hard time waiting to turn around.

It took 70 years, but Pullen said she always knew she’d be reunited with her baby girl.

“When you give a gift, you know someday it’s going to return. I knew I’d find her. I knew that was in God’s plan. I knew that I would see her someday,” Pullen told Inside Edition.

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Kevin and Gina Nelson adopted Katie from Korea in the '70s.
Kevin and Gina Nelson adopted Katie from Korea in the '70s.
My husband and I were childhood sweethearts (on again, off again since first grade) and were married in 2003 after 8 years of dating. After trying to conceive and undergoing fertility treatments for 3 years, we felt we were being led to adopt a child. We were told by our adoption agency that it would be two to four years before a child would be available for us to adopt, so we were ready to wait. A week after that news, on October 26, 2010, we received a phone call from a friend who was an OB-GYN. A woman was going to give birth to a baby boy in 3 weeks and needed a home for her baby. Our David was born on his paternal grandmother’s birthday, November 19th, and we were at the hospital for his arrival. This picture was taken minutes after his birth with all of his grandparents looking through the nursery window. Our miracles were not over.  On October 26th 2012, two years to the day from the first call, the same doctor called to see if we would like to come and get another baby boy. Our Jacob had been born the night before… on his maternal grandmother’s birthday. Two miracle babies, two miracle birthday gifts. David’s name means 'blessed' and that’s the best word to describe how our family feels.
My husband Louis and our daughter Gabriella. We had fostered her from the time she was 4 weeks old straight from the hospital after withdrawing from the opiates her birth mother took during her pregnancy until the day the adoption was finalized 26 months later in June 2013.   Adoption Day June 10th 2014
My husband Louis and our daughter Gabriella. We had fostered her from the time she was 4 weeks old straight from the hospital after withdrawing from the opiates her birth mother took during her pregnancy until the day the adoption was finalized 26 months later in June 2013. Adoption Day June 10th 2014
My parents, Don & Mary adopted me when I was 6 weeks old.
My parents, Don & Mary adopted me when I was 6 weeks old.
The picture was taken in August 2013 in Jinan, China about 30 minutes after we'd met.  His caregivers from the orphanage were just outside of the picture.  At this point, he thought I was just some nice lady with snacks.  It had not sunk in that we were forever.  He was three on adoption day.
The picture was taken in August 2013 in Jinan, China about 30 minutes after we'd met. His caregivers from the orphanage were just outside of the picture. At this point, he thought I was just some nice lady with snacks. It had not sunk in that we were forever. He was three on adoption day.
This was taken on June 2nd. He was 4 days old. My husband and I had a long hard road to parenthood. We went through 6 failed IVFs, 4 surgeries, 1 failed adoption and 1 failed match. Everything was worth going through to become Elijah's parents. He was our answer to prayer. We know that everything else did not work because we were meant to be Elijah's parents.
Me, my husband and my son taken on December 23, 2013 in Nanjing, Jiangsu China.
Me, my husband and my son taken on December 23, 2013 in Nanjing, Jiangsu China.
This was the day we meet our son, Myles. My husband, Adam, likes to say of this photo, "it's hard to tell who's more nervous, me or Myles." We were both nervous since Myles was our first foster placement and we had never been patents before. He was placed with us at DHS offices on January 6, 2012 and we officially adopted Myles on December 17, 2012.   Thanks for checking out our picture and hearing a very little piece of our story.
We're Cathy and Dave! We have an adoption page on Facebook, 'Cathy and Dave's Adoption Journey,' all about how we've been bringing our three children home from Kiev, Ukraine. We started our adoption process in October 2004. Over six years we were with three different agencies and four programs looking for the right fit. In December, 2010, Dave posted a New Year's Resolution, 'I want to be a dad in 201' on Facebook. Then he got a message, 'There's this boy, named Georgiy,' from a friend. We hosted him for a week, the first week of January 2011, and all three of us knew it was meant to be. He came home to us for good on October of 2011! You could call it coincidence, but we all know better. This is our first picture together, from church, Sunday, January 9th, 2011.
My parents, David & Lyndy Edwards planned their whole life to adopt but after having 3 biological children, life got so busy that they began to think it wouldn't happen. However, once my sister and I were in college and my brother was in high school, they finally decided it was time. They chose Taiwan through Gladney and waited for a referral. They expected one little girl and were surprised with a little girl AND a little boy. They began planning to adopt and were ready to go when 3 days before they were to leave, my dad was killed suddenly in a head on collision. Though devastated, my mom knew legally the children were still hers and she decided to adopt them! On December 25, 2009, she met Molly & Mason for the first time. She is a single mom now of 5 children and now has 2 grand babies too.
I have been a proud foster mother of two beautiful children, Seven and Savanna for the past two and half years that I officially adopted, August 12, 2014 in Houston, TX.
I have been a proud foster mother of two beautiful children, Seven and Savanna for the past two and half years that I officially adopted, August 12, 2014 in Houston, TX.
We adopted our son in April of this year from China. He was 16 months and scared to death of us. He's our first child and he has taught my husband and I so much in 6 short months about love, patience and what makes a family. Adopting from China changed our world and it was an amazing experience all the way around. We hope to adopt from China again someday.
This picture captures the very first moment my husband and I saw our beautiful daughter, Bella Rose! She was 5 hours old and our birth mother called us at 2am on May 10th 2012 to tell us she had just given birth to our child! Thank God we were already packed! We jumped in our car and made the anxious 5 hour drive from Los Angeles to Fairfield California where our birth mother lived. I can't even put into words the love, excitement and purr joy we felt the moment we saw her! We had waited 8 long years to be parents and had been married  for 12. Our family was complete and we thank God for our sweet birth mother, who is still in our lives today. She gave us the gift of life!
Daughter is adopted and at the finalization in court, (pic on left) this was the look she gave her new (biological) brother and she's been entertaining us since :) the 2nd pic is our first holiday with her after finalization. These were taken in June and July this year.  We received the call after waiting 2 years. The birth mom had 2 sets of parents to choose from. She said one of the reasons she chose us was because of our (love of) pizza page in the profile book and her birth daughter's favorite food was pizza.  Our daughter came to live with us 7 days later and it's like she's always been with us. The connection we had with our 15 month old girl was crazy. Her birth name meant Bright Star and I had purchased a painting (with a poem about happiness) 2 years prior while on vacation of a girl looking at the stars. We're so lucky to have her.
September 26, 2004, was the day our worlds changed. She took her 5-month-old in her arms, hugged her, picked up a camera, and handed her daughter to me. She took the first pictures of me holding my daughter-to-be in our local Department of Human Services visitation room, our daughter looking perplexed, and pure elation on my face. Little did we know how our adoption story would play out--that she would actually take our daughter back home for months before our daughter would come to my house forever, the ups and downs of learning new family roles, figuring out how one becomes a mother when you don't start with a newborn. It would take 6 years, 9 months, 21 days, and 20 hours for a judge to tell me what I had known since the first moment I had laid eyes on that butterball of a baby: she was my daughter, from that first confusing moment in my arms until forever more. She was, is, and always will be a part of me, even if genetics don't show it.  This was our first picture, that very first moment, when we met.
This photo was taken 10/27/24. These are my amazing parents, Dawn and Rhett. After a tragic two years, our family is starting a new chapter! My mom and dad adopted my two nieces today, Kennedy and McKinley!
This photo was taken 10/27/24. These are my amazing parents, Dawn and Rhett. After a tragic two years, our family is starting a new chapter! My mom and dad adopted my two nieces today, Kennedy and McKinley!
We conceived our son via IVF in 2007, so made the assumption that getting pregnant via IVF would be easy. Boy were we wrong. For 4 long year we tried, IVF cycle after cycle. We got pregnant twice only to be told the babies would not survive and we had to end our pregnancies. Our last cycle was in February of 2012. I sat on the couch and cried, with my 4 year old son next to me. I sent my husband a photo of a puppy to adopt via text, hoping this would heal me. he instantly sent me a website on adopting a child. We had never talked about adoption before, he would not go there.   That night we started looking into agencies. After multiple phone calls to different agencies, lawyers, ect we decided we would work with an agency out of Kansas City.  Our application was competed in August of 2012 and we began our wait. We were ready to wait for years, as we heard adoption takes forever. On September 20th, 2012, just more then a month after completing our application we found out a birth mom choose use to parent her baby. She was due on October 15th!  She chose us! Our lives instantly changed, we were going to be parents again! We set up a Skype call with our birth mom as soon as we could. My four year old got on the screen and said “thank you so much for giving us your baby Kailee. I love you.”   At about 9:30 pm on October 8th, we got a call from Kailee’s mother. Kailee was showing signs of labor. My husband and I instantly hopped in our car and started driving to Michigan from New Hampshire. We drove through the night, with a couple stops on the way, Niagra Falls being one of them. We arrived on the 9th in Michigan and got settled.   On October 10th, our birth mom was in full labor and admitted to the hospital. The only way i can describe this feeling is that it was surreal. We were there, but it just did not seem real. Within moments we were going to be parents again through the most amazing gift in the world. We sat in the waiting room with our birth mothers family (who are incredible and just like us). We talked, laughed, cried and knew that this would be the start of our lives together. The nurse came out at about 8:45 and said, "are you the adoptive parents?" we said yes, she said "you will have a baby before 10 tonight." It still was not real to us. At 9:17 I got a text from our birth mom's mother "she's here". We finally lost it. We held each other and cried and just wanted to see her. We knew that according to the birth plan that our birth mother’s family would spend time with the baby before us, so we gave them time. We also knew that Kailee did not want to see or hold Harlowe.  Totally understandable.  Before we left Michigan, we met up with Kailee and her family and Kailee did meet her when she was about 18 days old. As she held her, I asked her how it felt, she said “it feels like i am holding your baby.”  We have stayed in touch, over the past two years, sending photos and letters.  Just a week ago, for Harlowe’s second birthday Kailee came to visit with her mom and sister. it was the most amazing feeling ever seeing our daughter as a two year old meet her birth mom. Kailee hugged Harlowe, kissed her and loved her.   Our heartache is over. We feel beyond blessed that a woman would have the courage and strength to allow us to parent her child. Our birth mom is really one of the most amazing, strong, beautiful woman I have ever met. She chose life and love for Harlowe and we are forever grateful. She told us, she never once had regrets about giving Harlowe the life she lives. She is so thankful for everything she has.   We are thankful she can be a part of it and know that Harlowe is doing wonderful.
My husband adopted my daughter this June. He has been in her life as long as she can remember & has always been a father role. But on June 13th, 2014, we were all blessed to make it legal. She is SUCH a daddy's girl and the bond between them makes me the happiest, proudest, & luckiest mommy/wife ever! Their adoption day was the Friday before Father's Day & even made it into the Des Moines Register here at home!
We are foster parents. Our daughter was placed with us 1/7/11 one day after her first birthday. We officially adopted her on 8/5/13. We call it forever family day. We had a (bio) son in 2012. We are currently a family of 5 as we have our two and a 4 month old foster baby.
We are foster parents. Our daughter was placed with us 1/7/11 one day after her first birthday. We officially adopted her on 8/5/13. We call it forever family day. We had a (bio) son in 2012. We are currently a family of 5 as we have our two and a 4 month old foster baby.
Taken on 22nd Sept 2014. We brought our baby girl home 5 weeks ago!
Taken on 22nd Sept 2014. We brought our baby girl home 5 weeks ago!
This is my daddy holding me for the first time at LAX. 1982
This is my daddy holding me for the first time at LAX. 1982
2005, the day we became parents. We had only found out four days earlier that our birth mom was carrying twins!! Best day ever!
2005, the day we became parents. We had only found out four days earlier that our birth mom was carrying twins!! Best day ever!
1st picture of our family together.
1st picture of our family together.
This was the first kiss we had as a family...this was in the court room
This was the first kiss we had as a family...this was in the court room
All adopted, two sibling groups. We adopted the oldest three together, on National Adoption day 2009.
All adopted, two sibling groups. We adopted the oldest three together, on National Adoption day 2009.
Both of my "new" babies togerher, August 7, 2014
Both of my "new" babies togerher, August 7, 2014
This is my family. Both of my children are adopted. They have truly been a blessing in our lives. This was our family fall photos in 2013
This is my family. Both of my children are adopted. They have truly been a blessing in our lives. This was our family fall photos in 2013
The 1st time we (hubby was taking the picture), met our Micheal at an orphanage in Russia. Micheal was 10 months old in this photo. We were thrilled to finally hold him in our arms and hated to leave after only 2 hours of visiting and getting to know him, but after 3 seperate trips to Russia we brought him home to the USA on December 7, 2004.
The 1st time we (hubby was taking the picture), met our Micheal at an orphanage in Russia. Micheal was 10 months old in this photo. We were thrilled to finally hold him in our arms and hated to leave after only 2 hours of visiting and getting to know him, but after 3 seperate trips to Russia we brought him home to the USA on December 7, 2004.
This picture was taken Christmas of 2012. My husband and I adopted my younger brother!
This picture was taken Christmas of 2012. My husband and I adopted my younger brother!
We are the proud parents of 10 amazingly brave, bright, talented young people! After nine years of waiting and praying we were so blessed to adopt our first and oldest child privately at her birth! We later became a foster family and have since adopted nine more blessings!!!
We are the proud parents of 10 amazingly brave, bright, talented young people! After nine years of waiting and praying we were so blessed to adopt our first and oldest child privately at her birth! We later became a foster family and have since adopted nine more blessings!!!
I was lucky to be in the room when our son was born. When he was delivered, the doctor looked at his birth mom and asked who to hand the baby to first. She pointed to me and said 'His Mom'. I melted... I had never see what face looked like 'beaming' until we developed this picture (circa 1998). SO blessed to be his mom to this day!
I was lucky to be in the room when our son was born. When he was delivered, the doctor looked at his birth mom and asked who to hand the baby to first. She pointed to me and said 'His Mom'. I melted... I had never see what face looked like 'beaming' until we developed this picture (circa 1998). SO blessed to be his mom to this day!
Here is a picture of my husband with our daughter, our first early morning feeding.  8-23-12, notified 4 hours before she was born, and when I called my husband to tell him we were matched, and the mom was in labor, he was rear ended by another car!! Everyone was safe, no damage, made it just in time to meet our baby girl!
Here is a picture of my husband with our daughter, our first early morning feeding. 8-23-12, notified 4 hours before she was born, and when I called my husband to tell him we were matched, and the mom was in labor, he was rear ended by another car!! Everyone was safe, no damage, made it just in time to meet our baby girl!
My youngest son, Phoenix, born June 29 2014. I was blessed to be in the hospital room as he came into this world! We had previously adopted his biological sister as well.
My youngest son, Phoenix, born June 29 2014. I was blessed to be in the hospital room as he came into this world! We had previously adopted his biological sister as well.
We were foster parents to a newborn boy for 4 mths (was supposed to be a 2 wk placement) and we were heartbroken when he was sent back to his mother. We waited a year for a 2nd private adoption with no luck. We got a call that the county had our former foster baby and were we interested in adopting.....YES! This is my baby James the day he came home forever at 17 mths.
I am a single mom who adopted my daughter Lily from China in January 2010 after waiting almost 4 years. Lily turned 1 on January 2, 2010 and this picture was taken a couple of minutes after she was handed to me in Nanchang China on January 10, 2010. I am so grateful that the Peoples Republic of China chose me to be her mom!
I am a single mom who adopted my daughter Lily from China in January 2010 after waiting almost 4 years. Lily turned 1 on January 2, 2010 and this picture was taken a couple of minutes after she was handed to me in Nanchang China on January 10, 2010. I am so grateful that the Peoples Republic of China chose me to be her mom!

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.