You Ate It? Negate It! Summer Indulgence Edition

By Jessica Smith
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1 Cup Vanilla Soft Serve Ice Cream

382 calories = 60 minutes hiking

*Calorie burn totals are based on a 140-pound woman and may vary based on fitness level, body composition, and exact intensity.

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1/2 Rack Homemade BBQ Ribs

450 calories = 85 minutes kayaking

2 12-Ounce Beers

307 calories = 42 minutes jogging

Related: The No. 1 Way to Keep Your Metabolism Soaring Post-Workout

1 Glass Sangria

285 calories = 65 minutes doubles tennis

14 Tortilla Chips and 1/4 Cup Guacamole

400 calories = 35 minutes full-court basketball

Related: The Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat 

1 Cup Homemade Potato Salad

358 calories = 60 minutes waterskiing

1 Lobster Roll

590 calories = 66 minutes mountain biking

Grande Starbucks Hazelnut Frappuccino with Whole Milk and Whipped Cream

390 calories = 50 minutes Zumba

1 Funnel Cake

760 calories = 75 minutes hardcore racquetball

1 Kentucky Fried Chicken Original Recipe Chicken Breast

360 calories = 41 minutes Ultimate Frisbee

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