Legit Or Quit

  • NewsCassie Shortsleeve

    Does Oil Pulling Improve Oral Health?

    Does this Ayurvedic practice actually produce any health benefits for your mouth?

  • NewsCassie Shortsleeve

    Does Bee Pollen Help With Allergies?

    Bee pollen is a wellness darling — but does it actually help with allergies?

  • NewsCassie Shortsleeve

    Do Infrared Saunas Boost Circulation?

    Jennifer Aniston loves 'em -- should you, too?

  • NewsMolly Shea

    Can Drinking Alkaline Water Keep You Extra-Hydrated And Disease-Free?

    Can trendy alkaline water cure what ails you?

  • NewsMolly Shea

    Can Soaking In Epsom Salts Help You De-Stress — And Detox?

    Which may explain the rise in popularity of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) baths in an attempt to boost levels. Dosing up on magnesium has been credited with reducing stress, curing depression, and giving you the best night’s sleep of your life. But do Epsom salt baths stand up to the hype?

  • NewsMolly Shea

    Can Reishi Mushroom Powder Boost Your Immunity?

    The reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) is a polypore fungus that grows in eastern Asia, and was first used in China as an immunity aid for warriors and royalty. “Reishi has been used for thousands of years as an [ingredient] that restores vital energy, often referred to as the mushroom of immortality,” Daniela Turley, MCPP, licensed medical herbalist, tells Yahoo Health. Reishi began to gain popularity in Western countries about 10 years ago, as a way for cancer patients to bolster their immu

  • NewsMolly Shea

    Lemon Water For Digestion: Legit Or Quit?

    Celebs including Beyoncé and Martha Stewart have sung the praises of the citrusy libation, which has also become a mainstay in the Instagram feeds of many —okay, all— health experts. The acid in lemon juice “works with the body to nourish and to enhance proper function,” Roxanne Sukol, MD, a preventive medicine specialist at the Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute, tells Yahoo Health. By drinking lemon water, you’re giving your body more time to take in and process the nutrients in the foods