Health Trends

  • NewsWomen's Health on Yahoo

    This Freaky Gym Trend Belongs in a Sci-Fi Movie

    Does this simulate altitude training?

  • NewsAmy Rushlow

    Please Don’t Stick Herbs Up Your Vagina. Please.

    The supposed reasoning behind it: The right blend of herbs can control yeast overgrowth, tighten your vagina, and help relieve conditions such as fibroids, bacterial vaginosis, and endometriosis.

  • NewsAmy Rushlow

    Do the 10 Most Popular Diets Actually Work?

    Find out which of the 10 most-searched diets could be a fit for you.  The arguments about the “best” diet — Paleo or vegan? “These findings support recent recommendations for weight loss in that most calorie-reducing diets result in clinically important weight loss as long as the diet is maintained,” the researchers write in JAMA. In addition, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that eating fewer calories — not following any particular diet — was the most important

  • NewsMolly Shea

    How To Get Your Bone Broth Fix in the Summer

    Bone broth was the breakaway health trend of the winter. What’s more, says Ariane Resnick, CNC, author of The Bone Broth Miracle, is that the benefits of bone broth can give you a major boost in warmer months. The collagen in bone broth has been shown to have skin-boosting properties, and some evidence suggests it can help in growing hair and nails.