Nikki Reed's Secrets for Healthy Eating on the Go

I live with the philosophy that my body functions better with a mostly plant-based diet, and I definitely feel my best when I eat at least one to two raw meals a day. Getting through an airport with this mission in mind can be tough, but I’ve learned to enjoy the challenge rather than resent it.

To make it easier on myself, I cook the night before I fly and I keep everything I make in little compartmentalized lunch boxes. I have a lot of fun with it! (The ongoing joke in my family is that everyone knows what to get me for any holiday or birthday—a lunchbox, since I go through them like crazy.) If I’m really in a pinch, I can always reach for bananas, salads or raw nuts while breezing through the airport. Healthy choices are out there, so eating nutritiously doesn’t have to feel like a high-maintenance thing.

I do think that my definition of “unhealthy” varies. For example, bread is scary to some people, but I’m open-minded about eating certain kinds. As long as I can read all the ingredients on the label, l’m good! The main thing I try to avoid is high fructose corn syrup or other preservatives that are hidden in almost every food on the market. Other than that, I say, if you feel like having a piece of bread with butter, go for it! At least you know what you’re eating.

That being said, there are some health food staples that I am completely obsessed with. Superfoods like chia seeds and maca might sound a little strange, but they make me feel fantastic. Better yet, I can order all of my favorite snacks online at Thrive Market—and for 30-50% off what I'd pay at a health food store. Convenience is everything when I'm traveling, and they've got everything I'm looking for.

This story is part of an ongoing series with Thrive Market, an online healthy-food shopping club offering products from the top 400 natural brands at 25 to 50 percent below retail prices, and with free home delivery. For every membership sold, Thrive Market donates a free membership to a family in need. Yahoo Health readers can visit for a free trial.