Thigh Reading: The Crazy-Inspiring Reason Women Are Posting Pictures Of Their Thighs


Hello, unfiltered thighs! (Photo:

The latest hashtag to take over Twitter? #thighreading. It’s a spin on palm-reading, but instead of reading the lines on their hands, women are reading — you guessed it — the lines on their inner thighs. The term was coined by Twitter star @princess_labia, who posted a picture of her stretch marks on July 20. The tag has taken off on both Twitter and Instagram, where legions of women have posted pictures of their own marks. The pictures are gorgeous, embracing the kind of “imperfections” women usually spend serious time and money trying to cover up.



What’s more, the replies and comments on the pictures are equally as inspiring — even if women aren’t comfortable enough sharing their own pictures, they’re cheering on those who do. The movement is pretty young (it’s only taken off in the past day or so), but it’s quickly gaining major coverage. “I tweet about my body ‘imperfections’ pretty frequently, so I didn’t think this was going to be something my followers responded to differently than most other things,” @princess_labia told Elite Daily. “But girls started sending back pictures of their thigh readings, and then it just went on from there.”



Now, women are adding pictures of cellulite, dimples, and bruises into the mix. Pictures feature inner thighs, outer thighs, and other body parts that haven’t received much love in the past.

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While some celebs have embraced their stretch marks lately (kudos, Chrissy Teigan! — photo above), this level of body love is downright monumental. Here’s hoping this movement brings on more acceptance of all the unique traits that make us, us.

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