How To Go Back To Work Post Holidays (Without Crying)

The post-holiday blues are practically inevitable. After the weeks (months!) of anticipation about the food, family, fun and time off, it's common to experience a hard and fast let-down when all the joy and cheer recedes and the normal workday grind resumes. But the sadness you may feel at the thought of facing your desk doesn’t have to be permanent.

Some people are energized by the prospects of the new year, but some are not happy with where their life is. For those people, it can be hard to get back into an undesirable routine, knowing that the next big break from the routine is months away,” says Art Markman, PhD, a psychologist with the University of Texas at Austin. “Even though family visits can be stressful, it can be hard to be apart from family members again after a period of closeness…. people may also exit the holidays feeling disappointed that they did not accomplish their family goals as they get back on the work/school roller-coaster,” he adds.

But rest assured: All hope is not lost! The new year can be the perfect opportunity to retrain your mind and body to think positively. Here are seven ways to help get back into the groove after the holidays.