How Far Would You Go For Optimal Health?

Dave Asprey has figured out a way to biohack his way to better health. Would you do the same? (GIF: Getty Images/Hanifa Abdul Hameed for Yahoo Health)

If you sleep less and eat more, you would never expect to lose weight, right?

Believe it or not, that’s exactly what happened to Dave Asprey when he started experimenting with biohacking.

I talked with him a while ago on The School of Greatness to hear firsthand how his body changed and his mental clarity increased when he did a two-year experiment that involved cutting down his sleep and upping his calorie intake. Surprisingly enough, he lost 100 pounds, and even managed to increase his IQ and lower his biological age.

You may call that extreme. And the inventor of Bulletproof Coffee (which has butter in it) has often been called just that.

What I learned from Dave, however, was beyond just how he biohacked his body to get the optimum weight and blood pressure. Dave taught me that what can happen when you keep your body going constantly is actually extraordinary. He has way more energy that he had in the past. His mental clarity is sharp. He exercises, get tons of work done, and knows how he’s going to feel physically every day.

Dave credits this to his diet (mostly Paleo and very clean) and paying attention to all the little details that add up to whole health. For example, by eating clean, sleeping less, working out in a focused, efficient manner, keeping on top of all his biometrics, and working at a job he is passionate about, Dave has created a force to be reckoned with in the health world. While many see his methods as imbalanced and may second-guess his results, he has built a very large following of believers (in his delicious Bulletproof coffee, if nothing else).

Here’s my two cents: I notice that when I oversleep or underfeed myself, my body reacts immediately. And while I’m a fan of a solid eight hours of sleep, I can’t deny that Dave has something going on for him that’s working.

What is your take? More sleep, less sleep? More calories, less calories?

Leave a comment below and let me know. I’m still trying to find the balance myself.

If you want to hear more of Dave’s story and philosophy, listen to our full interview below:

For more on Dave, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.