Body-Peace Resolution Challenge #8: Write Down 5 Things You Truly Love About Yourself


(Illustration: Emily Sundberg for Yahoo Health)

The Challenge: Before bed tonight, write down five things about yourself and your body that you truly love. These things should not be image-focused, like “my pretty eyes.” Instead, try something like, “I deeply appreciate my feet, because they carry me through my life, every day, without questions!” Or, “I love that no matter what happens, I choose to look on the bright side of things.”

The Benefit: Doing this forces yourself to take note of all the wonderful, capable aspects of your body, and writing these down will help to cement them in your memory.

- Holly Perkins, CSCS, women’s strength-training expert and author of Lift to Get Lean

Each day in the month of January, we’re issuing a #bodypeaceresolution challenge from one of our favorite health experts. Follow along, and be sure to share your own body-positive moments —a nourishing meal, self-care ritual, gym triumph, filter-free selfie, etc.—on social media using the hashtag #bodypeaceresolution
