Body-Peace Resolution Challenge #29: Try This Pull-Up Challenge

(Illustration by Emily Sundberg for Yahoo Health)

The Challenge: Take the TOTAL number of bodyweight pull-ups or chin-ups you can do, and cut it in half. Now, do that number of reps at the beginning and end of every one of your workouts. (So, if you can do six pull-ups, you’ll do three at the beginning of your workout, and three at the end.) Do this every time you work out for the next month — and at the end of the month, re-test how many you can do in total.

The Benefit: Voila! You’ll see you’ve increased your pull-up strength dramatically. Seeing the results of your efforts is motivating and confidence-inspiring!

- John Romaniello, strength expert

Each day in the month of January, we’re issuing a #bodypeaceresolution challenge from one of our favorite health experts. Follow along, and be sure to share your own body-positive moments —a nourishing meal, self-care ritual, gym triumph, filter-free selfie, etc.—on social media using the hashtag #bodypeaceresolution