4 Easy Moves To Rev Your Metabolism


(Photo: Mitch Mandel)

This 10-minute routine from trainer Larysa DiDio tones every zone and increases calorie burn for hours after you’re done. Bonus: It’s great for small spaces!

How to do it: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, resting for 30 seconds between moves. Repeat the entire circuit twice. (There’s more where this came from! Check out our Fit in 10 DVD for more amazingly effective 10-minute workouts.)

1. Chair Squat into Biceps Curl


(Photo: Mitch Mandel)

Stand in front of a chair with both toes facing forward, feet hip-distance apart, a dumbbell in each hand. Shift your weight into your heels and squat until your butt taps the chair, then stand and curl both weights toward your shoulders.
Expert tip: Don’t forget to squeeze your butt as you stand.

Related: 4 Simple Moves For A Better Butt

2. Knee Lifts With Alternate Arm Raises


(Photo: Mitch Mandel)

Stand holding a weight in each hand at shoulder height. Raise right knee to chest and left arm overhead, then switch to the other side. Continue alternating opposite arm and opposite leg.
Expert tip: Keep your belly engaged and your chest lifted.

Related: 4 Toning Moves You Can Do With A Chair

3. Step-Outs


(Photo: Mitch Mandel)

Stand with your feet together, knees slightly bent, hands on hips with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend left knee and extend right leg behind you. Quickly step right foot back to meet left, then immediately extend left leg behind you. Continue alternating legs.
Expert tip: Squeeze through your butt as you extend your leg and keep your abs engaged.

Related: 10 Minutes To Younger, Tighter Abs

4. Side-to-Side Lunge with a Press


(Photo: Mitch Mandel)

Stand in front of a chair with legs out wide, toes facing out and heels in, hands resting lightly on the back of a chair. Bend your right knee and lunge to the right, placing your weight into your right heel. Straighten your right leg to come back to center and raise arms overhead. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides.
Expert tip: Move quickly to increase your heart rate, but don’t sacrifice your form.

By Jenna Bergen Southerland

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This article ‘4 Easy Moves To Rev Your Metabolism’ originally ran on Prevention.com.