3 Exercise Swaps For Much Faster Toning


When your goals are to get toned, not lose weight, these are the moves you have to add. (Photo by: Getty Images)

The right moves make all the difference. Trade these common exercises for trainer favorites that turbocharge toning. (Short on time, but still want to transform your body? You can do so in just 10 minutes a day with Prevention's Fit in 10 DVD.)

INSTEAD OF: Triceps kickbacks


(Illustration by: Chris Philpot)

DO THIS: Skull crushers


(Illustration by: Chris Philpot)

Why: "It’s much easier to keep your elbows steady in this position, so you can add more weight to really work the backs of your arms,“ says exercise physiologist Greg Justice.
Pro tip: Start with 8- or 10-pound dumbbells and increase as needed.

Related: 4 Moves To Slim Your Hips And Thighs



(Illustration by: Chris Philpot)

DO THIS: Plié squats


(Illustration by: Chris Philpot)

Why: "Squats are great, but many people can’t do them correctly; a plié squat is easier to do with proper form and still targets the lower body,” says exercise physiologist Brook Benten.
Pro tip: Turn toes to 2 and 10 o'clock; track knees in same direction.

Related: 9 Exercises You Can Do While Sitting Down

INSTEAD OF: Broomstick side bends


(Illustration by: Chris Philpot)

DO THIS: Side planks


(Illustration by: Chris Philpot)

Why: "Side planks require you to work a lot harder against gravity, consequently targeting your oblique muscles much more efficiently and effectively,“ says Justice.
Pro tip: Flex feet, lift hips, and engage core to maximize toning power.

By Annie Daly

This article ‘3 Exercise Swaps For Much Faster Toning’ originally ran on Prevention.com.

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