
Why do cats meow? What your feline friend is trying to tell you.

Wondering about the cat’s meow? No, we’re not talking about the 2001 Kirsten Dunst flick. The English language is riddled with phrases relating to cats — “the cat’s pajamas,” “it’s raining cats and dogs” and “the cat’s meow,” to name a few. The third originated in the 1920s and means that something is enjoyable or desirable.

But cat owners know that a real cat’s meow can sometimes be neither enjoyable nor desirable. Excessive meowing can be a headache for guardians of these furry friends.

If your cat is meowing more than normal, you may wonder why. In short, they are not trying to annoy you, and in fact, there could be several explanations for why your cat is meowing. Here’s what your cat is trying to tell you, and what to do if the meowing becomes too much.

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Why do cats meow?

The answer is domestication. Before cats began living alongside humans as pets, they communicated with each other using their sense of smell or by urinating or rubbing against trees, LiveScience reports. Now, the common household kitty meows to get its owner’s attention.

Kittens meow to get their mothers' attention. Older house cats do the same with their guardians, but feral cats tend to outgrow meowing. Cats also don’t meow to other cats — that function is reserved for their two-legged friends.

If your cat is meowing, it’s trying to communicate its wants and needs, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Cats meow most often to greet people, get attention, ask for food or to be let in or outside.

What is my cat trying to tell me?

If you own a cat, you can probably distinguish the different types of noises it makes. The loudness, length and quality of meows and yelps have a variety of meanings.

According to wikiHow, here are examples of what cats commonly try to tell you:

  • Short meow: This is a greeting or “hello.” Multiple short meows in a row aren’t a cause for concern; it just means your cat is excited to see you.

  • Mid-pitched meow: usually a plea for food or water.

  • Long, drawn out meow: a persistent demand from your cat. It wants something, and you haven’t given it quite yet.

  • Low-pitched meow: This signals a complaint, like displeasure or discomfort. If this meow is loud, it’s an urgent plea for something your cat needs.

  • High-pitched yelp: Your cat is experiencing pain, anger or fear and is trying to tell you.

  • Chattering: This could mean your cat is excited but could also be expressing anxiety or frustration.

  • Chirrup: This sounds like a mix between a meow and a purr and is a greeting often used by a mother cat to call her kittens.

Why do cats yowl?

If your cat’s vocalization doesn’t match any of the above, it could be a yowl. According to the ASPCA, a yowl is a more drawn out and melodic sound. Cats typically yowl at one another during breeding season if they’re looking for mates.

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In some cases, a cat's meow is not something to be worried about, but in others, your furry friend may be calling for help. Cats do not cry tears when they are sad or in pain. However, cats will vocalize their discomfort by meowing, yowling, hissing or even growling.

Cats will meow to signal if they are feeling unwell or are stressed, according to Purina. If your cat is exhibiting unusual behavior, it may be time to visit the vet to check what could be wrong.

Stressed cats are often more vocal, according to Fetch by WebMD. They may be meowing frequently due to a move or changes in the home, illness, loss or if they are a new pet. Lonely cats will also meow for attention.

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How to know if your cat is meowing too much

Some breeds, like Siamese cats, meow and yowl more than others. Still, there are times when frequent — or increased — vocalization is not normal. Elderly cats often meow if they become disoriented, the ASPCA says, or if they have a form of cognitive dysfunction. You should take your cat to the veterinarian if it is excessively meowing.

According to BeChewy, owners should always be aware of changes in their cat’s vocalization. Cats use their voices to communicate with us, so meowing at a different frequency than normal or in an unusual pitch could be their way of showing you something is wrong.

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How to get a cat to stop meowing

While excessive meowing may be bothersome, make sure you find out why your cat is doing so before you try to stop it. In more serious cases or if your cat is sick, take it to the vet.

If the meowing is for a non-concerning reason, here are some suggestions to help stop your cat from meowing:

  • If your cat is meowing due to loneliness, you could have a friend or pet sitter come over to play.

  • If your cat is meowing for attention, train it to resist the urge. Teach your cat that it will only get attention if it is quiet. When your cat meows, wait until it stops and then give attention. Once it starts to meow again, walk away and return when it is quiet. Your cat will soon catch on.

  • If your cat is meowing for food, try not to feed it when it cries. Set specific times for feeding, and your cat will soon learn this schedule. If all else fails, you can buy an automatic feeder, which may take the attention away from you.

  • Do not hit or reprimand your cat for meowing. These actions may cause your cat to become afraid of you, and it will not curb the meowing habits long-term.

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Can you talk to your cat?

Talking to cats may seem silly, but it’s a good way to acknowledge them. The ASPCA recommends using an uplifting, raised tone to indicate friendliness and affection and a lower tone when you want to show you’re upset or displeased. Be consistent with your commands and the tones you use, and your cat will learn to respond accordingly.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Why do cats meow? Get to know why your feline friend is communicating