
Things that can instantly turn off your man

It is always better to keep a tab on the opposite sex, decoding their mind-set in a better manner. Thus, all you ladies might be interested in reading about some of the more unusual things that can turn-off men. This is one niche of male psychology that has not been explored rather well. Just search around and you are sure to find a long list of articles that talk about what men should not do to turn-off women. However, women too need to enlighten themselves with things that can reduce the quotient of romance in their relationship, i.e. unexpected male turn-offs. Here are the 3 things that can instantly turn off your man.

Loud make-up shouting for attention

Yes, men like their women dressed-up when venturing outdoors. Walking together with a beautiful woman gives the male ego an instant high. However, this can be instantly neutralised if you dress over-the-top in a mannerism that is loud, as if you are desperate to engage more attention towards yourself. Men like their women being noticed and complimented but might not like that their ladies are being constantly stared at. Recent fashion trends suggest that men today like women with a progressive sense of make-up that is minimal and natural-looking. So ladies, those repeated applications of a bright lipstick on your pout might not be that great an idea!


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Cry Baby!

The contemporary man understands that women are biologically engineered towards being more sensitive. They realise that with hormonal changes and a naturally sensitive outlook, women might cry occasionally, sometimes over seemingly trivial things. However, if you are a habitual cry- baby who is someone who bursts out over the smallest issues, you face the risk of distancing your guy. The reason is simple, our lifestyles are challenging enough and in such demanding times, everyone seeks a partner who has a basic degree of emotional strength. A typically weepy trait represents a woman who will always demand a shoulder to cry upon, seldom offering support.

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Fragrances too fruity

Research done by some of the world’s leading cosmetic brands has revealed an interesting bit about the male mind. It emerges that most men do not react positively to fragrances that are too sugary or fruity. However, the cosmetic retail niche is overflowing with scents that feature fruity fragrances as their USP. So, the next time you are about to perfume yourself with your favourite fruity fragrance, you might want to reduce the number of sprays.

Recommended read: Best fragrances for Women

So, these were some of the things that can reduce the quotient of romance in your relationship. So, better keep a check on them.