
Paul Ryan's Rise, Running Horses to Death, and Joe Paterno's Last Chapter

Paul Ryan's Rise, Running Horses to Death, and Joe Paterno's Last Chapter

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: How Paul Ryan became one of the Republican Party's most important figures. How Apple slashes its federal tax bill. The "will they or won't they" debate is currently leaning toward the belief that war with Iran is less likely than previously believed. An increase in purses has led some horse owners to push their old and injured animals past the breaking point.

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New York: Some New York buildings actually bring food trucks up to the higher floors in freight elevators. How can one NYC school get an A while another nearly identical school gets an F on report card grades from the Education Department?

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Technology: Author and researcher Jane McGonigal has created a computer game that she thinks can help improve your life. 

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Business: A Kickstarter project has raised $7 million, taking the site and the very idea of crowdsourced funding to another level.

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Opinion: E.L. Doctrow on how the Supreme Court has made the U.S. "unexceptional."

Science: Could being a homophobe actually be a sign that you're gay?

Sports: Writer Joe Posnanski was has been working on a book that started as tribute to Joe Paterno that now must end with scandal and his death.

Politics: Former Israeli president Ehud Olmert was booed by a New York audience after criticizing current president Ben­jamin Ne­tan­yahu's foreign policy.

World: U.S. advisers are aiding in the search for Joseph Kony in Africa. 

U.S.: Explorer Isaac Hayes went to search for the North Pole in July 1960 and came home in 1962 to find the U.S. in the middle of a Civil War.

Books: A review of the fourth installment of Robert Caro's epic biography of Lyndon Johnson.

Photo Gallery of the Day: A modern production of A Midsummer Night's Dream