
Super Bowl Ads Already Heating Up TV

Super Bowl Ads Already Heating Up TV (ABC News)

The sleek lines and sexy curves featured in Mercedes-Benz latest commercial are certain to make hearts race - but it's only a taste. The German automaker is airing a 90 second preview of a new ad set to come during the Super Bowl next month.

The sexy ad for the Mercedes CLA, featuring model Kate Upton, is intended to target someone in the market for a new car. But some are now asking if the notion that sex sells is being taken a bit too far.

"People will always try to push the envelope," Charlie Warzel at Adweek told ABC News. "But at the end of the day, they're going to want to make this sexually suggestive but also family friendly, and there's a real balance there."

FULL COVERAGE: Super Bowl 2013

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Of course the Super Bowl, with its 100 million viewers - most of them men - is known for advertisers who push the envelope with ads. Remember the Fiat 'Hot Girl' commercial from last year, in which a woman transformed into a car? Or the racy ad featuring a model being painted by Danica Patrick and Jillian Michaels?


And who could forget the famous H & M commercial with that long hard look at tattooed soccer phenom David Beckham wearing nothing but his tighty-whities?

Now, with the big game less than two weeks away, football fans are eagerly anticipating what Super Bowl 47 advertisers will have up their scantily clad sleeves for their 30 seconds of pitch time.

"It's about capturing that part of the national conversation, and getting people to talk about it on Monday morning," Warzel said.