Watch People Try Ikea Food for the First Time

Picture it: you’re at Ikea, loading up on Billy bookcases and Pax wardrobes. You go to check out, and the line is as long as the one for Splash Mountain at Disney World. Your stomach growls. There’s a cafe. But can Ikea have decent lunch?

BuzzFeed introduced four shoppers to the retailer’s Swedish meatballs, lingonberry juice, and strawberry shortcake at their in-store restaurant, and recorded their reviews in the video above.

“The whole premise is really disturbing to me that a place where you can buy organizational doors for silverware and couches [is where] you can also buy meatballs and cauliflower,” said one skeptical shopper.

Roasted cauliflower and sweet potato with a side of rice garnered mixed reviews — ”comfort food” for one, “gruel” for another. Swedish meatballs — “the flagship Ikea vegetable” — and veggie balls got higher marks. A strawberry shortcake with whipped cream was universally loved, but also mistaken for lingonberry, a popular Swedish fruit. “It’s highly manufactured, but delicious,” said one. A small box of lingonberry juice tasted “like Capri Sun” to one shopper, and brought smiles to another. “You can’t ever be angry drinking out of a juice box.”

Check out more on Ikea and delicious Swedish fare here:

Swedish Fish-Lovers, Rejoice: IKEA Now Has a Candy Store

Ikea Plans to Serve Vegetarian Meatballs

Want to make your own Swedish meatballs? Try Martha Stewart’s recipe.