This Might Be the Most Offensive Cocktail Ever

Photo credit: The Daiquiri Factory

Here is a truth: The Daiquiri Factory is a new bar in Spokane, Washington, with a drink on its menu called “Date Grape Koolaid.”

Here is another truth: People nationwide are outraged about the existence of this drink (ourselves included). Protestor Scott Kusel launched a Boycott Spokane Downtown Daiquiri Factory page on Facebook. It now has 2,782 supporters, many of whom, reportedly, are rape survivors. Kraft is also “appalled,” claiming Kool-Aid brand infringement.

The Daiquiri Factory’s owners have,  unsuccessfully  dutifully responded to the hubbub, issuing a press release in the form of a  voice memo (weird):

"There is simply no reason to be outraged by the ingredients in our signature daiquiri. There is no reason for the national outcry, nor is there reason for the protest. We think everyone simply needs a little daiquiri therapy."

Hey, creepy “voice memo” lady, you’re missing the point. We’re not offended by the ingredients; we’re offended by the name.

So then the bar owners addressed that, claiming that the name was inspired by the Urban Dictionary’s definition of Date Grape: “When you and your loved one get drunk off of wine and end up hooking up.” We assume they thought would soften the blow, given that this definition implies consensual sex. Sorry, no dice. That’s like an arcade owner saying that one of his videos games, called “Slave in the Basement,” harks to a tender drinking game that certain city-dwelling 20-somethings play, so it’s fine. “Loosen up, people!” she’d say to haters.

You tell someone who’s experienced a trauma to loosen up at the sight of a joke that essentially supports the barbarism that was thrown her way.

Just change the name, guys.

[KHQ and KXLY via Eater]