Emmanuel Acho to the NFL: 'You have to do more'

The Fox sports analyst and creator of "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man" on how the NFL needs to change.

Video Transcript

EMMANUEL ACHO: I think to whom much is given, much is required. I've been given a lot, so I do a lot. I try to, at least.

The NFL-- you are a multi-billion-dollar corporation. You have to do more. Dan, intention without direction is worthless. The NFL has great intention. Now it needs to figure out what is its direction, right?

I didn't love the intention of the-- the-- playing the Black national anthem. That's not going to do anything. Person-- as a black man, in my opinion, it's not going to do anything.

Sooner or later we have to go from names on the back of helmets, and names on the front of helmets, of lost and murdered people and people who suffered from police brutality, to ensuring it doesn't happen again.
