Facebook banning any ads supporting QAnon and militarized social movements

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Yahoo Finance’s On the Move panel discuss Facebook banning any ads supporting QAnon and militarized social movements

Video Transcript

ADAM SHAPIRO: Let's talk about Facebook right now. Dan Howley, Facebook is making a pledge to ban ads that support far right groups like QAnon or what they're calling militarized social movements. Tell us more.

DAN HOWLEY: Yeah, essentially what's happening here is Facebook is sort of following up on their pledge to cut down on this kind of content on the site. But in a strange way, rather than outright banning these groups or groups associated with them, they're banning the ads associated with them so that they can't show up in users feeds who aren't members of these groups. And if you are a member of this group, then updates and things along those lines will show up further down in your feed than they normally would, but that doesn't mean you can't go to your group's website and look at information there, it just means that it's going to be further down than it normally would.

And I think one of the important things to point out here is this comes after the Kenosha shooting where Facebook was criticized for not taking down that group's page fast enough, the militia there. And more talk about, you know, taking down sites associated with militias of any stripe. Really, what I think what it comes down to is if Facebook wants to talk the talk, then they're going to have to walk the walk and just take these kinds of sites down.
