Coinbase partners with Google in crypto cloud payment system

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Yahoo Finance Live looks at Coinbase shares as it partners with Google for a crypto cloud payment system as other tech leaders venture into the crypto space;

Video Transcript

SEANA SMITH: All right, my play today is Coinbase, the top trending ticker here on Yahoo Finance. This comes on a new partnership with Google. Now the tech giant teaming up with Coinbase to accept crypto payments for cloud services. Customers in the Web3 industry will get first dibs with the ability to pay using crypto. Google's also going to use Coinbase prime. For institutional services. This is just Coinbase's latest agreement with companies outside of their crypto space.

They've got a deal with BlackRock to help manage and trade Bitcoin. They also have an agreement with Meta to support integration with Coinbase wallet. So again, the stock popping today. Lots of questions just about crypto adoption, how mainstream it's going to be. Obviously, crypto has been under a tremendous amount of pressure year to date, to say the least. We've seen that reflected in Coinbase's stock since the start of the year, but some investor excitement today.

DAVE BRIGGS: And Bitcoin as well just kind of locked in Meh-verse. 19,000-- stuck at that. And on the flip side, though, in a letter to G20 Finance ministers, the president of the Dutch Central Bank warned of a risk that crypto poses to investors and market confidence and suggests the potential breakup of Coinbase and other major crypto players. So not all good news clearly in the sector, nor for Coinbase.
