Americans support stimulus, but are split on economic recovery and personal checks: Poll

A new Harris poll on COVID-19 shows that Americans support a stimulus plan, but are split on economic recovery and the personal checks that are going to individuals and families. Yahoo Finance’s Sibile Marcellus joins Seana Smith to discuss.

Video Transcript

SEANA SMITH: Well, the Trump administration and Congress are working to implement that new $2 trillion relief bill that was passed at the end of last week. And we have a new Harris poll out finding that Americans are pretty pleased with the measure that has been put in place. We have to Sibile Marcellus tracking this for us.

And Sibile, when we take a look at the numbers, it's an overwhelmingly-- overwhelmingly a huge support here for this bill amongst Americans in this poll.

SIBILE MARCELLUS: That's right. Three in four Americans are currently living in shutdown conditions, mandated to stay in their homes. Yet when it comes to how they feel about the government's response, they feel pretty confident that it's the right one in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. So President Trump's approval rating has actually risen to 48%, according to this new Harris poll. And as we know, he's been very active with the media, doing these regular press conferences, giving Americans updates on how the administration is dealing with the coronavirus outbreak.

When it comes to how Americans feel about the federal government's response, 61% approve. Local government, 76%, and state government, 75%. When it comes to the $2 trillion fiscal stimulus, overwhelming majority of Americans are happy that it was passed. They're waiting for those checks. Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said they would come in three weeks. So a majority of Americans, once they get those checks, they're going to put it right into paying their bills.

Now, when it comes to how small businesses are faring, now they're in dire straits. And you look at this graphic. It just shows what businesses are saying in terms of how long they can last the financial tolls of this coronavirus pandemic. Now, 83% said they can last two weeks. 58% said three months. 46% said six months. And just 38% in 12 months if we continue this shutdown. So they are definitely in dire straits right now, Seana.

SEANA SMITH: All right, Sibile Marcellus, thanks so much for that.
