Your FREE 15-Minute David Pogue Tour of CES

So what’s the video above?

Each year, my Yahoo overlords invite me to give “floor tours” of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to selected friends of Yahoo. It’s a 90-minute, fast-paced, curated walking tour of just enough CES booths to give the participants an idea of what the new tech trends are.

If you were to sign up to take one of the commercially offered tours of this type, you’d pay $900 a person. Corporate execs are happy to pay, because, well, there are 3,900 booths at this show, spread out over 35 football fields’ worth of space, and nobody’s got the time or energy to see it all.

Anyway, my boss suggested that maybe I should offer a tour like that for you, the non-wealthy- corporate-executive. So above, I’m offering a FREE, 15-minute sampler tour to give you the feeling of being at the biggest trade show in the Western Hemisphere.

I limited the tour to the vast LG booth, since (a) it offers at least one example of every hot new tech at the show, and (b) I figured you didn’t really want to sit there for three minutes between products as I walked from booth to booth. (I have no relationship with LG, and indeed, they didn’t even know I was doing this!)

Enjoy. And be glad you weren’t actually there.

David Pogue, tech columnist for Yahoo Finance, welcomes non-toxic comments in the Comments below. On the Web, he’s On Twitter, he’s @pogue. On email, he’s You can read all his articles here (, or you can sign up to get his columns by email (
