See How Newspaper Front Pages Around the World Reacted to Trump's Embrace of Putin in Helsinki

The world was in shock on Monday after President Donald Trump showed reverence to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki over Russia’s involvement in U.S. elections. At a press conference following a one-on-one meeting, Trump appeared to trust Putin’s denial of the matter over the findings of his own intelligence agencies that that Russia had, in fact, interfered in 2016.

Trump’s comments seemed to leave most U.S. media outlets—even conservative-leaning ones like Fox New—agog. Likewise, even members of the Republican party released statements criticizing Trump’s alignment with Putin.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world was watching. Here’s a look at how newspaper front pages across the globe are covering the meeting on Tuesday morning:

The Guardian in London highlighted the backlash against Trump’s “treason”:

The Financial Times focused on Trump’s defense of Putin:

The Times of London highlighted the backlash:

In Paris, Le Monde called Trump Putin’s best ally:

Germany’s business daily, Handelsblatt, called it a meeting of the autocrats:

Publico in Portugal said Putin gave Trump what he wanted, and Trump gave him much more in return:

Putin admits he wanted a Trump win, says Portugal’s business newspaper Negocios:

Finland’s business newspaper Kauppalehti scored the meeting Trump 0, Putin 1:

The New York Times led with Trump’s statement supporting Putin:

The Wall Street Journal was also straightforward:

Tabloids, as always, had a field day with the summit. The New York Post blared “See no evil”:

The New York Daily News called it open treason:

The Daily Mirror in the U.K. called Trump Putin’s poodle:
