Obama’s Nobel Prize Should Be Stripped, Awarded to Donald Trump Instead

Barack Obama holding his Nobel Peace Prize. Photo: Pete Souza | White House Photo Stream
Barack Obama holding his Nobel Peace Prize. Photo: Pete Souza | White House Photo Stream

By CCN.com: President Donald Trump is scaling back military exercises in Korea, calmly and humorously building a rapport with the world’s youngest nuclear power, and making a remarkably hasty exit from Syria. He seems far more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than Barack Obama.

Nobel Prize Committee Regrets 2009 Obama Award

In 2015 Nobel Prize secretary Geir Lundestad said that Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize “didn’t achieve what it [the Nobel Prize Committee] had hoped for.”

No Nobel Peace Prize award had ever drawn so much publicity. Or scrutiny.

Even many of Obama’s supporters thought the award was premature: It was given to Obama a few mere months into his term – and before he had really done anything.

It was a big stretch to give Obama the Nobel peace prize for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people” in 2009.

Specifics? Results?

Obama Waged More War Than George W. Bush

In his first term as president Obama had drastically increased the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan several times higher than when Bush II was president.

Read the full story on CCN.com.
