Elon Musk Sometimes Lives 'Below The Poverty Line' With A Hole In The Mattress — Mother Of His Kids Says, 'Like, Bro Wouldn't Even Get A New Mattress' And Asked Her To Bring Over Her's Instead

Elon Musk, the world’s richest person according to Forbes 400, often captures headlines with his futuristic ambitions. From leading groundbreaking companies like Tesla Inc. and SpaceX to dabbling in neural technologies with Neuralink Corp., Musk epitomizes technological innovation.

But recent comments from Grimes, his on-again, off-again partner, portray a surprisingly frugal personal life that contrasts sharply with his larger-than-life business ventures.

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In a 2022 interview with Vanity Fair, Grimes said that Musk sometimes lives "below the poverty line." Most notably, when the couple discovered a hole in her side of the mattress, Musk suggested bringing over a mattress from her home rather than buying a new one. "Like, Bro wouldn't even get a new mattress," Grimes told Vanity Fair.

Further elaborating on their living conditions, Grimes mentioned living in a $40,000 house that was "very insecure," to the point where neighbors would film them. "I’m eating peanut butter for eight days in a row," she said, suggesting a starkly modest lifestyle.

This level of frugality isn't common among billionaires, even among those known for their fiscal restraint. Warren Buffett, for example, still lives in the same house he purchased decades ago for $31,500, but he hasn't been reported to forgo basic household amenities like a functional mattress.

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Musk hasn't been shy about his minimalist living conditions. In May 2020, he posted on X that he planned to sell all his possessions and "own no house." Subsequent reports revealed that he has been living in a $50,000 prefab tiny home that he rents from SpaceX.

Before becoming a billionaire, Musk was a 17-year-old college student at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, where he once embarked on an experiment to live on $1 per day for food. "My threshold for existing was pretty low," he recounted in a 2015 interview, adding that he managed to get by on a $30 CAD monthly grocery budget. This early experience, focusing on sustainable consumption and the essentials, might offer some insights into his current lifestyle choices.

As mother to three of Musk's children, Grimes's comments add another layer to the billionaire's. He is a man who is as complex as the rockets he aims to send to Mars. With his eye ever on the future, Musk lives a life devoid of extravagance, which may be one of the secrets to his success. This balanced approach to living could be a lesson for people looking to make a meaningful impact, reminding anyone that they too can be a part of transformative change.

You don't have to be a billionaire to invest in the next big thing. Even small investments can help a startup grow into something as influential as Tesla or SpaceX. Who knows? The next game-changing company could be just an investment away.

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This article Elon Musk Sometimes Lives 'Below The Poverty Line' With A Hole In The Mattress — Mother Of His Kids Says, 'Like, Bro Wouldn't Even Get A New Mattress' And Asked Her To Bring Over Her's Instead originally appeared on Benzinga.com


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