Airhead Alert: Ocasio-Cortez Declares Radical Leftist War on Moderate Democrats

Progressive firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has turned her radical leftist attack dogs on moderate Democrats. | Source: REUTERS / Brian Snyder
Progressive firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has turned her radical leftist attack dogs on moderate Democrats. | Source: REUTERS / Brian Snyder

By Newbie congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is causing waves within her own political caucus by declaring war on moderate Democrats who refuse to go along with her desire to move the party to the far-left.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Blacklist Reasonable Democrats

Ocasio-Cortez — a self-declared socialist — threatened to put moderate Democrats on a hit list of people she’ll target to unseat at the next election, the Washington Post reported.

alexandria ocasio cortez bartender
alexandria ocasio cortez bartender

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was a bartender last year. Now she’s helping make US laws. | Source: AOC/Twitter

AOC Champions Open Borders and Socialism

AOC and other far-left members of the splintered Democrat Party were furious this week after 24 moderate Democrats sided with Republicans on a bill that would expand background checks for gun purchases.

Ocasio-Cortez’s rep said she told her colleagues that moderate Democrats who side with Republicans on this issue “are putting themselves on a [hit] list.”

While Democrats want restrictions on the Second Amendment, AOC and her motley crew of open-borders leftists were outraged that a provision requires ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to be notified if illegal immigrants try to buy guns.

This goes against the leftist orthodoxy of rabidly promoting illegal immigration — regardless of the heavy financial burden and social costs to Americans.

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