Zelda Tears of the Kingdom player creates a controllable mech to rival Armored Core

 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

A Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player has managed to build a controllable mech in-game, and it's left fans questioning how this is possible in a Zelda game.

TikTok creator 'soulbanana0' shared their creation to the video-sharing app along with the caption: "My Gundam Banana One in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom." In the video, we see Link using his new Ultrahand and Fuse abilities to attach various objects together, such as wheels, laser cannons, and pieces of wood, in the shape of a Gundam-style mech.

Using the Ascend ability, Link is then able to climb up the creation and pilot it. This is clearly quite an effective method of dealing with the likes of Bokoblins and Moblins who don't stand a chance against the makeshift machine. The main question on everyone's lips right now is how did this player manage to get so many energy cells?

As you'd expect, fans can't believe what they're seeing in the TikTok embedded above. Twitter user and well-known JRPG fan @aitaikimochi shared soulbanana0's TikTok with the caption: "IS THIS GAME EVEN ZELDA AT THIS POINT??" Another recognized figure in the gaming community, Twitter user @Okami13_, also shared the video along with the caption: "New Armored Core 6 gameplay looking great!"

This is just one of the ways players have been exercising their creativity in the Breath of the Wild sequel. Unfortunately for all the Koroks in the game, there's been an influx of players finding inventive ways to torture the Koroks. We've seen everything from players using rockets to launch the little guys into the sky, to a Korok rotisserie machine, and even worse. Torture aside, it's been great seeing Zelda fans pushing the limits with their creations.

Wondering if the game is worth the hype? Take a look at our The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom review