YouTube Personality Claims Pizza Sent To Her Home Anonymously Triggered Dangerous Food Allergy

Over the last year, Trisha says she’s been live streaming her life and her family’s lives on her YouTube channel, Truthfully Trisha. She claims she currently has around 2,000 subscribers.

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Her husband, Sean, claims that along with fans of the channel, Truthfully Trisha has attracted several “haters” who have gone out of their way to hurt Trisha. On one occasion, he says, someone sent her food meant to purposefully make her ill.

“Recently, over the course of two nights, we had five pizzas delivered to our house that we didn’t order,” says Sean.

“I ate pizza that had black pepper in it. I’m severely allergic to it,” claims Trisha. She says she’d previously talked about her allergy to the spice online.

“After taking a few bites, she couldn’t breathe and she called 9-1-1,” says Sean who claims he woke up after hearing the ambulance sirens in front of my house.

Trisha says she called the ambulance because she could feel herself slipping into anaphylactic shock. She live streamed her reaction along with the call she made for help.

“Even gasping for breath she wouldn’t log off,” says Sean. “It never stops.”

How does Trisha explain why she ate food that was sent to her anonymously? Tune in to part one of this two-part Dr. Phil, Friday.

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