New York Mom Ditched Her Pandemic Weight Gain — and Found Her Confidence Again

Beyond the Scale rollout
Beyond the Scale rollout

(Photographer) Justin Jay; (Hair & Makeup) Stacy Beneke/Zenobia agency; (Location) Hyde Park Roller Magic

Like many people, Venae Fowler put on a few extra pounds during the pandemic.

"When it was time to get back into the swing of things, I started pulling my work clothes out of the closet and they were tight," the 47-year-old tells PEOPLE in this week's Beyond the Scale feature. "It was not a good feeling."

When the mom of two from from Poughkeepsie, New York, went to Cancun in February 2022, she was not feeling her best. "I had to purchase new clothing for my trip," she recalls. "Afterward I told my friend, 'Don't post these photos of me,'" says Fowler, founder and president of the non-profit mentoring organization We R Listening.

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Determined to get back to her previous size — "I wanted to feel comfortable again" — Fowler considered several weight-loss programs before settling on Jenny Craig. She lost 18 lbs. in 7 weeks — just in time for her next beach trip to Aruba in July.

"I had all my confidence back! I brought six different bikinis on my trip and was so excited to put them on and take pictures," she says.

For more "Beyond the Scale" stories in this week's PEOPLE, pick up a copy on newsstands now

Her transformation inspired her to update her Instagram, RetailTherapy_NYC, and to start modeling her own fashion tips and ideas. "I totally revamped my page, and now I model all the clothes instead of posting other people's content," she says.

The fashion influencer and part-time model also rediscovered roller skating. "My husband and I went to the skating rink in Central Park, and I dressed the part!" she says. "It feels good to do the things I love to do again."

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She's also proud of being such a good example for her kids, ages 14 and 10. "They watched me set a goal, pursue it, and be dedicated and determined to achieve it."

And she is still maintaining her success. "My confidence levels are back to where I've always known them to be." She also has advice for others who want to transform their own lives: "Find some things that motivate you to continue to stick with your plan," she says. "And celebrate all of your victories, whether it's 2 lbs. or 10."