‘X-Men’ Star Olivia Munn on Why She Didn’t Want to Be in ‘Deadpool’

Audiences will get to see Olivia Munn as Psylocke when X-Men: Apocalypse comes to theaters at the end of May, but they almost saw her in a different comic book movie: Deadpool.

That’s right, in Deadpool, the part of the Merc With a Mouth’s girlfriend/fiancée, Vanessa, was played by Morena Baccarin. Initially, however, the movie reached out to Munn for the part. This was discussed in a feature in American Way magazine. Writer Robert Wilonsky shared that Deadpool’s “box-office haul is inconsequential. Munn says she didn’t want to be the girlfriend. Not again. She wanted to fight. To make noise. To kick butt.”

With Marvel movies having almost no roles for super-powered females and DC Comics doing about the same, it makes sense that Munn would find a home in the X-Men franchise. Several female characters play essential roles in those movies. The actress said, “I thought Psylocke was always one of the most lethal characters, and I said, ‘Yes, as long as you’re not using her to be the eye candy. She has really powerful abilities.’ And they said, ‘Yes, that’s an important part.’”

Psylocke is a powerful character. While her powers have changed from time to time in the comics, in this film, she’ll be telekinetic and will use that ability through a sword and a kind of “psychic dagger.” Munn isn’t sure how prominent she’ll be in the movie, but it doesn’t appear she’s banking on this becoming an important role for her in the future, saying, “Either it’s a great reception to the character or it’s not, and I just keep going.”

Bryan Singer reacts to X-Men: Apocalypse critics:

What do you think? Do you think Munn made the right move by passing on Deadpool and saying yes to Apocalypse? Tell us what you think! Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram — or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.