'X-Men: Apocalypse' Trailer Breakdown

A new trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse has dropped, and while it does use a lot of footage previously seen, there are some new nuggets. Here are five things that stood out to us.

Here’s a list of X-Men movies where Wolverine hasn’t had at least a cameo:

That’s right: none. Maybe Fox saw Marvel’s post-title Spider-Man addition to the Captain America: Civil War trailer and thought, Yeah, let’s do that — because well, they did that. Hugh Jackman confirmed that he’ll be back for another round with a tweet that read only “W.” What does the W mean? I’d guess either waffles because they’re a great breakfast food or Wolverine. Who knows?

Speaking of returns, welcome back to the Blob. Director Bryan Singer shared a photo of the Blob and it appears that he would be the round shape in the foreground of that shot of Angel yelling.

It appears that X-Men is embracing Quicksilver’s comic book background story — that he’s the progeny of Magneto. They hinted at it a little bit in Days of Future Past, but now they’re outright saying it. Another note about parents: In the comics, Mystique is Nightcrawler’s mother. The film hints that Nightcrawler is somewhat familiar with her, but we don’t know in what context.

It’s not an X-Men movie if Professor X doesn’t get knocked out of action. He went into a coma in the first one, got stuck in that weird brainwash thing in the second, died in the third, and got shot in First Class. If we ignore X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and we will, Days of Future Past was the only one where Charles gets to stay conscious. I guess they felt one was enough.

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So, are you excited about X-Men: Apocalypse? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.